Last we talked, I was telling you about my excellent weekend and my equally perfect Monday . . .
Here's the cherry part!
Sheila called me and said she had an hour to kill in SLO and did I want to meet up with her? Well hells ya. Since I was already out and about and done with Laguna Lake park, she suggested we get together at the
SLO Goodwill. Funny, I had driven by it earlier and thought to myself "self, we totally need to stop there on the way home and check out what might be available in the knitting-related catagory."
We met up and wandered in. After about 20 minutes, the only thing I'd picked up for purchase was a good-sized binder to store printed patterns in. There's an 'upper deck' kind of area that I thought had only clothes so I didn't plan on wandering up there . . . but Sheila went and I trailed behind. At the back is the book section and I NEVER pass up on books. Grabbed me one and kept moseying around. Sheila found an area that had sewing-related stuff and I spied a lone bag of yarn but after looking through it decided to pass.
There were all sorts of nooks and crannies and drawers that I would have never looked in or around but Sheila is totally the opposite. THANK GAWD! She opened a drawer of something and we found a bunch of paired knitting needles. Out of that bunch she scored a pretty wood set of size 6s or so. Everything else in the drawer was nothing special. The next drawer down? We hit the freak'n motherlode of fiber tools!!!
How much does a bag like that go for at the San Luis Goodwill? You ain't even gonna believe it.
I KNOW!!Seven entire dollars and one quarter. That's it. People, I about passed out from glee.
We bought our booty and made a mad dash to our cars (crossing Lower Higuera is risky!) Immediately, we broke open the bag and started organizing.

(Yeah, I need to clean my car - tell me something I don't know)

My half above, and Sheila's half below:

Because I already own a very healthy supply of straight needles, Sheila got first dibs on anything she wanted in that arena. She gave me all the crochet hooks because she's got tons from her late grandmother's stash. She only wanted one of the circs, which left me owning the other 4 pair. She kept the sizing template (I already own two different ones) and she gave me all the *things* that we don't even know WHAT they are, lol.
*Things* like this thing:

What the hell IS that?
Outside of the elation of getting everything for such a cheap price, we really loved seeing all the different and neat things we scored. Stuff like this:

There are tons more pictures of everything
here of course.Truthfully - I'm still so jazzed over yesterday's find!
Despite that high there have been other activities going on around Casa De Crazy.

My first batch of cookies at the new place.

Still just the first one of my Ravelympic Socks for the Sock Put event. A few more rows and it's Kitchener time. Since I'll be in Kitchener mode, I'm going to finish my first sock from that delicious HazelKnits yarn I've been working on forever (seriously - forever people! It was half-way done at the WWKIP event and how long ago was that?)
Needless to say, no Kitchenering will be done if I spend even more time hanging out on the intronets so I gotta get to getting!
Ohhhh - and don't forget - tonight is the showing of Hitch at the
Dolphin Bay in Shell Beach. Wahhhoooo :grin: