Monday, October 22, 2007

The Mike:

Today is our 4 year anniversary and in our house the traditional 'four year' gift is Round Table pizza and Monday Night Football, lol.

I just looked up 'traditional anniversary gifts' and my first hit said the 4th year is 'fruit or flowers'. How weird! Mike stopped by my work and gave me a single white rose this afternoon. For most women, that wouldn't be anything odd, but I never WANT flowers and so he never GIVES me flowers. This is the first time ever. What a coinkidink.

Here's a little story called "The reason I always refer to my husband as The Mike":

Years and years ago (oh, about 1993 or so and a long time before I met my husband) I ran across a radio comedy talk show that so repulsed me I called them live on the air to berate them and referred to them as 'Mark & Brian wannabees'. It was the Don & Mike Show, nationally syndicated out of Washington D.C. (well, really toothless Fairfax, VA but you know.) Don totally chewed me out and told some really interesting 'behind-the-scenes' radio information about Mark and Brian that surprised me.

I still listened to them even though I started out hating them. Over time their off-color humor won me over and I was a convert. When they'd come out to Reno (I was living there at the time) to do their "Las Vegas Style Shows", there I was - excited as hell to see them. That's where I first saw Dennis Murphy. YIKES!

The guys on the show are all named Michael in real life. Michael Sorce goes by Don Geronimo, Mike O'Meara goes by . . . well . . . Mike O'Meara (and don't call him Michael!) and newsguy Michael Elston goes by Buzz Burbank.

Fast forward to about 2001 where I found a Don & Mike Show fan forum. The original forum imploded but others stepped in and created a place called 'Radio Gods Forum'. I migrated to there and it wasn't long that I became very active as a member. Eventually I was even asked to be a moderator. I'm still the only chick moderator at that place and proud of it!

The Moderators and various other 'key' members have gotten close (in the 'online friend' way) over the last 6 years and we all talk about our lives as well as comment on the radio show.

When MY Mike came into my life and I started talking about him, it was necessary to differentiate him from the show's Mikes.

Thus The Mike was born. The Mike even signs notes and cards to me as "The Mike"!

Anway, The Mike and I now have 4 years of wedded bliss (HA!) under our belt. Here's to another 365 days.

We really did it!


1 comment:

littledevilworks said...

Congrats! Hope you enjoyed the day! :)