This year has really been a doozy, and seriously? I'm so looking forward to its end.
Y'all aren't going to believe this one. Hell, I can barely believe it myself!
Last night I was all ready to post some pics of another finished soap sock from my made up pattern. This one is my favorite so far too. The yarn is perfect for it and the color is a pretty red, and the size has finally been hammered out.
It's lovely (and I'm not a 'lovely' kind of talker, so that's saying something!)
Then I broke my foot.
Yep. I sure did.
Broke it real good and broke-like.
JESUS H. KEY-RIST on a pogo stick.
&#^*%@ !!!!
My back has been getting better every day. Saturday was actually the best day I've had - almost like 'the good old days' better, even. Sunday was fine too since it's our day of rest/football and I didn't overdo it. The weird part of my back problem is that as the days have progressed, the pain part has slowly travelled down my leg. It's finally gotten down to my foot/ankle area and my way of relieving the pressure is to use my toes to balance myself on that side. It helps alot, but one downfall is that I sometimes forget I'm on my toes and when I go to step, I am off-balance and I put my full weight on the toe-edge side of my foot.
Sunday night about 11:30pm, Shadow decided to start her nightly "I hate everyone and I want outside RIGHT NOW" caterwalling song. It's SO annoying, lemmetellya, so I got up to put her in the garage and when I was trying to situate her in my arms, I did that stupid 'rest on my left foot toes' thing . . . 'scept this time, when I went to walk, I was taking one step down into my living room. It didn't so much end as a 'step' but as a 'fall flat on my face' landing, with Shadow in my arms.
It hurt in the moment, but I was 1/2 asleep and annoyed at Shadow, so I just limped back to bed and went to sleep.
OH MY GAWD when I woke up this morning! It didn't really *hurt* when I woke up, but Oh! Boy! I about ate my own fist when I went to step on that foot getting out of bed. I made it to the bathroom (you know) and then right back to the bed to stop the screaming pain. Then I tried getting around to get ready but hopping on one foot down the hallway and across the living room into the garage is fucking hard to do!
The pain was so bad, I ended up crawling - no lie- on my hands and knees to get ready. Crazy Aunt Purl would've lost big time if we were competing in a 'covered in a fine patina of cat hair' contest this morning! 6 cats and brushed cotton-covered knees makes for a nice fuzzy pant, lol.
I was supposed to go the the Chiropractor this morning but The Mike called and cancelled. At my appointment the day before, I had told Dr. Jones that I noticed my tendency to rest on my toes and that I was kinda worried it wasn't safe. Seems I was right unfortunately.
Instead, we went directly to the E.R. of my local ghetto-town hospital. It is officially GHETTO when there is a security guard in the lobby of the emergency room, and he uses a fucking metal detector wand on the patients before they can be seen! I sure wish I was kidding, but I'm not. A town of 50,000 people, and this is what the hospital is like? Pathetic, but that's a rant for another day.
We got there about 8:10am, and at noon I was still sitting in the lobby. There was 'no room at the inn' the intake nurse told us. No. Seriously. She said that. I replied 'well, I certainly hope Jesus doesn't need emergency medical care today!" :eyeroll: She was nice enough to order x-rays immediately, so those were ready by the time I was attended to.
I didn't get taken to a room until about 12:30pm, and by 'room' I mean a blocked-off exit area that was really the hallway. I never did get seen by a doctor, but the physician's assistant finally examined me about 1:30pm. Yes. I had spent 5.5 hours at the E.R. before I was looked at.
He was a very nice P.A., I will say that. Professional, but was caring about my case. He said I have a fractured bone on the left side of that foot. One that is attached to (attributed to?) my little toe. It feels like the top of my foot on the left side, but definately not my ankle, thank God!
Originally, he was going to put me in a brace, but as I was been fitted for it by the nurse, he changed his mind and now I have a splint. Kinda like a 1/2 cast and it's pretty neat - it's molded to the shape of my foot and calf. The only suck-ass part was the nurse in-fucking-sisted that I had to straighten my foot in the position as if I'm standing on it. That shit hurt!! We almost had a head-to-head discussion but she relented at the last minute and figured out a better method to get her goal accomplished without me having to be peeled off the ceiling.
So now I'm on crutches and it's been the rainiest day in ages around here! It took almost all of an hour to get undressed, get in the shower, take a shower, dry off, get back dressed and for Mike to re-wrap my foot. Something that would take 20 minutes tops, otherwise.
I went in to work and was able to suffer through until the end of the day. Oh boy do I have a rant about my work (really, a coworker) but I'll save that one for another day too. Let's just say I *have* to go to work because she's always missing work, and when she's not there it falls on me to make sure her job (getting the money accounted for and in the bank) gets done. When I'm not there, or I'm doing somebody else's job, then my job doesn't get done because noone else knows HOW to do my job. Grrrr.
The Mike picked up my Vicoden and Motrin precriptions this afternoon and he said it was only $6.40 total! Does this insurance rock or what?!
I can tell the pain is pretty bad when I've taken a Vicoden and all it feels like is that a weetiny bit of the pain has been alleviated. That and a bit of nausea. Tomorrow is back to work with the Motrin.
So. That's what's going on with me. What's going on with all y'all? I'm off to catch up on my ravelry 'friends' blog updates, then to bloglines. See ya 'round the intronets!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
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