I noticed my eye twitch seems to have corrected itself right around 9:00 am today.
Interesting . . .
The Mike hit the road about 9:00 am today.
[sarcasm] What an odd coinkydink [/sarcasm]
Once he left, all my gift-knitting tension seemed to have abated and things are going VERY well here at Chez Knitting Blue Content. I think tomorrow's forecast calls for more of the same! :contented sigh:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tick Tock:
An eye tick is the first sign that I. Am. Stressed. Out.
The second sign is when my back gives up the ghost and that second sign shows up pretty soon after the first sign.
Please Be to whatever makes this crazy world spin that my back doesn't give out.
I promise that I get it - Too Much.
As I'm ass-deep in Too Much, the only thing I'm noticing that isn't ass-deep in ANYTHING is The Mike.
This may very well be the last holiday I put up with his lazy-assed Ass Self.
More to come while I'm home at Christmas and he's at The Parents for the 39th year in a row . . . opening presents that *I* made while he slept through the last 50 afternoons.
Eye. Still. Twitching.
The second sign is when my back gives up the ghost and that second sign shows up pretty soon after the first sign.
Please Be to whatever makes this crazy world spin that my back doesn't give out.
I promise that I get it - Too Much.
As I'm ass-deep in Too Much, the only thing I'm noticing that isn't ass-deep in ANYTHING is The Mike.
This may very well be the last holiday I put up with his lazy-assed Ass Self.
More to come while I'm home at Christmas and he's at The Parents for the 39th year in a row . . . opening presents that *I* made while he slept through the last 50 afternoons.
Eye. Still. Twitching.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Change Is Upon Us:
First off, yes, I voted Obama today and the results tonight have me over the moon.
Here's the thing though. I have no real deep problem with Mr. McCain being our commander-in-chief either. There are some issues I don't think he addresses as well as I would have liked, but I feel that for Mr. Obama as well . . . just to a lesser degree.
Both of them picked running mates I am not for . . . just to a lesser degree with Mr. Biden. Mrs. Palin, quite frankly? I don't think there is one thing she's about that makes sense to me, outside of being supportive of Mr. McCain.
I would have like to have seen Mrs. Clinton on the ticket with Mr. Obama. Maybe that would have been too polarizing for the fence-sitters? I don't know. Political strategists and pundits can answer that better than me.
It just seems that Mr. Obama has *it*. That *thing*. A way of communicating hope and change and of feeling represented that no one else in this election has shown me. That I haven't felt for a good long time.
I feel a sense of peace now, knowing that in a few short months our country will be on the start of correcting its path - back towards prosperity, greatness and hope.
Enough with the fear and despair and oppression. Enough with our rights being snatched away under the guise of "in our best interest". Enough with the last 8 years of tanking this country and not looking out for our best interests.
E damn 'nuff.
Tonight I feel the change we're embarking on, and I want to be a part of it and our country again. Barack does that. He has the *it* and a grace about him that makes me believe in us again.
Here's the thing though. I have no real deep problem with Mr. McCain being our commander-in-chief either. There are some issues I don't think he addresses as well as I would have liked, but I feel that for Mr. Obama as well . . . just to a lesser degree.
Both of them picked running mates I am not for . . . just to a lesser degree with Mr. Biden. Mrs. Palin, quite frankly? I don't think there is one thing she's about that makes sense to me, outside of being supportive of Mr. McCain.
I would have like to have seen Mrs. Clinton on the ticket with Mr. Obama. Maybe that would have been too polarizing for the fence-sitters? I don't know. Political strategists and pundits can answer that better than me.
It just seems that Mr. Obama has *it*. That *thing*. A way of communicating hope and change and of feeling represented that no one else in this election has shown me. That I haven't felt for a good long time.
I feel a sense of peace now, knowing that in a few short months our country will be on the start of correcting its path - back towards prosperity, greatness and hope.
Enough with the fear and despair and oppression. Enough with our rights being snatched away under the guise of "in our best interest". Enough with the last 8 years of tanking this country and not looking out for our best interests.
E damn 'nuff.
Tonight I feel the change we're embarking on, and I want to be a part of it and our country again. Barack does that. He has the *it* and a grace about him that makes me believe in us again.
Plus One Minus One Equals Zero
Mike and I voted today, and we voted the complete opposite on everything except for Proposition 2 (you can read an overview of it here).
That means we basically cancel the other out with our votes.
Oh well, at least I made it so his vote doesn't count and I'm sure he feels the same way.
Fingers crossed there are less of him out there in our country, and more of me, LOL.
You know I took pictures!
That means we basically cancel the other out with our votes.
Oh well, at least I made it so his vote doesn't count and I'm sure he feels the same way.
Fingers crossed there are less of him out there in our country, and more of me, LOL.
You know I took pictures!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"No on 8" Rally/Picnic in San Luis Obispo
If you have interest, there will be a rally/picnic to get out the "NO ON PROP 8" word.
When: This Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 2pm
Where: Mitchell Park in San Luis Obispo (Santa Rosa and Pismo streets)
More information can be found by clicking here.
It's the least I can do to help my fellow Californians in their fight for legal equality.
When: This Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 2pm
Where: Mitchell Park in San Luis Obispo (Santa Rosa and Pismo streets)
More information can be found by clicking here.
It's the least I can do to help my fellow Californians in their fight for legal equality.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
5 Years Ago Tonight:
I was a single gal, sleeping my last evening as an unmarried person, both nervous and excited.
The last five years have absolutely flown by and it blows me away.
Tomorrow, we celebrate another milestone anniversary and either commit to one more year or quit.
Something tells me we're both re-committing, although sometimes I wonder if one of us just needs to be committed, period, lol.
The last five years have absolutely flown by and it blows me away.
Tomorrow, we celebrate another milestone anniversary and either commit to one more year or quit.
Something tells me we're both re-committing, although sometimes I wonder if one of us just needs to be committed, period, lol.
Monday, October 13, 2008
HBD To Me:
I'm a day late, but still. It's my blog and my 40th, so I make the rules, lol!
So much to catch up on and sorry to disappoint, but no pics at the moment.
If y'all remember, I made mention a while ago that I was planning a "Day of Crafting" the weekend of my birthday, and I cyber-invited all my friends (and even someone I haven't met in person but would love the honor of hanging out with *waves to Ellen*).
Between the original idea formulating and this last weekend, Suzanne, Christy and Carolyn all visited one right after the other and it wasn't feasible for them to come right back over again. The only other person I miss terribly since moving - Diana - is going through a hard time and I knew it would be nigh on impossible for her to make it over.
Despite all who were not there, there was a lot of fun had by those that did make it.
My BIL's girlfriend Misti brought the set-up to make one candle, which she did and then gave to me :grin:. I got to turn her on to the BPAL site Ms. Violet is always talking about for her soap-making supplies. Misti also got to listen and participate in a spirited discussion between me and my sister, regarding California's Proposition 8. It was great having Misti see me among "my people" and not as only another member of my husband's (and her boyfriend's) family!
My sister brought a metric ass-load of rubberstamping supplies and I gotta say . . . it was SO. FUN. !!! More on that later.
My photog friend Alex was in attendance and was such a good sport, she made a card and embellished it with some beads and shiny yarn from my enormous stash. She's not crafty, but I think that's only because she's never been exposed to stuff like this. Her grandmother is a knitter though, and she's said she MAY be interested in trying it "one day" . . . y'all know I'm slowly working that addiction, right? :evil laugh: Although Alex is only 20 y.o. she and I have hit it right off. She's really a tough nut to crack and she reminds me of myself at that age in a ton of ways. She also looks ALOT like my 16 year old niece, which is familiar in a way, but kinda freaky in another, lol.
Sheila eventually made it over after a very long day (and week) of work (she works in the government - elections - and this is pretty much her "tax season" and LORDYLORDY I know exactly what that's like!) She didn't have any knitting with her, so she worked on rubberstamping as well.
The afternoon/evening was slow to start and then ramped up quickly - I didn't even get to the dinner part until 8pm, although I made sure to have dessert ready just as people started to show up. It was my day and I gave license to eat dessert first! Due to the hectic-ness (it so too is a word) my time to craft didn't get going until late in the evening. Eventually everyone wandered towards home and my sister stayed over. I continued to play with all the stamping/crafting stuff until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
The next morning, my sister and I continued to play. That woman has, no lie, a stash of rubberstamping stuff six times larger than my stash of yarn! She's been into it for 20 years too, and has done it as a 'business' for several years.
When she finally left around 2pm, I got myself together and picked up Alex so we could head out and take pictures at Montana De Oro.
I did not bill this "Day of Craft" as a birthday party. I just wanted my friends to come together, meet each other, and have a fun time. Mission Accomplished!
Other Little Bits:
I blew Alex away with my "craft room". She was genuinely taken aback by the volume of my stash and my deep love of knitting. She had no idea from the times we've gone on photog excursions and the look on her face was priceless. My friend Rhonda didn't make it, which surprised me, and my sister gave me the best presents! A "starter kit" of rubberstamping and (drumroll please . . . ) a camera tripod. If you could've seen me opening it on Sunday morning. Snoopy Dance and whooping right in my living room. I'm SO stoked about it . Also, Mike is getting me the only present I requested - (and yes, CJ, I absolutely stole this from you!) - low-top CLEAR Converse All-Stars to wear with my colorful hand-knit socks.

How frigg'n cool are THOSE babies?
Now I'm 40 and it doesn't feel a damn different than 27 or 34.
So much to catch up on and sorry to disappoint, but no pics at the moment.
If y'all remember, I made mention a while ago that I was planning a "Day of Crafting" the weekend of my birthday, and I cyber-invited all my friends (and even someone I haven't met in person but would love the honor of hanging out with *waves to Ellen*).
Between the original idea formulating and this last weekend, Suzanne, Christy and Carolyn all visited one right after the other and it wasn't feasible for them to come right back over again. The only other person I miss terribly since moving - Diana - is going through a hard time and I knew it would be nigh on impossible for her to make it over.
Despite all who were not there, there was a lot of fun had by those that did make it.
My BIL's girlfriend Misti brought the set-up to make one candle, which she did and then gave to me :grin:. I got to turn her on to the BPAL site Ms. Violet is always talking about for her soap-making supplies. Misti also got to listen and participate in a spirited discussion between me and my sister, regarding California's Proposition 8. It was great having Misti see me among "my people" and not as only another member of my husband's (and her boyfriend's) family!
My sister brought a metric ass-load of rubberstamping supplies and I gotta say . . . it was SO. FUN. !!! More on that later.
My photog friend Alex was in attendance and was such a good sport, she made a card and embellished it with some beads and shiny yarn from my enormous stash. She's not crafty, but I think that's only because she's never been exposed to stuff like this. Her grandmother is a knitter though, and she's said she MAY be interested in trying it "one day" . . . y'all know I'm slowly working that addiction, right? :evil laugh: Although Alex is only 20 y.o. she and I have hit it right off. She's really a tough nut to crack and she reminds me of myself at that age in a ton of ways. She also looks ALOT like my 16 year old niece, which is familiar in a way, but kinda freaky in another, lol.
Sheila eventually made it over after a very long day (and week) of work (she works in the government - elections - and this is pretty much her "tax season" and LORDYLORDY I know exactly what that's like!) She didn't have any knitting with her, so she worked on rubberstamping as well.
The afternoon/evening was slow to start and then ramped up quickly - I didn't even get to the dinner part until 8pm, although I made sure to have dessert ready just as people started to show up. It was my day and I gave license to eat dessert first! Due to the hectic-ness (it so too is a word) my time to craft didn't get going until late in the evening. Eventually everyone wandered towards home and my sister stayed over. I continued to play with all the stamping/crafting stuff until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
The next morning, my sister and I continued to play. That woman has, no lie, a stash of rubberstamping stuff six times larger than my stash of yarn! She's been into it for 20 years too, and has done it as a 'business' for several years.
When she finally left around 2pm, I got myself together and picked up Alex so we could head out and take pictures at Montana De Oro.
I did not bill this "Day of Craft" as a birthday party. I just wanted my friends to come together, meet each other, and have a fun time. Mission Accomplished!
Other Little Bits:
I blew Alex away with my "craft room". She was genuinely taken aback by the volume of my stash and my deep love of knitting. She had no idea from the times we've gone on photog excursions and the look on her face was priceless. My friend Rhonda didn't make it, which surprised me, and my sister gave me the best presents! A "starter kit" of rubberstamping and (drumroll please . . . ) a camera tripod. If you could've seen me opening it on Sunday morning. Snoopy Dance and whooping right in my living room. I'm SO stoked about it . Also, Mike is getting me the only present I requested - (and yes, CJ, I absolutely stole this from you!) - low-top CLEAR Converse All-Stars to wear with my colorful hand-knit socks.
How frigg'n cool are THOSE babies?
Now I'm 40 and it doesn't feel a damn different than 27 or 34.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Halloween Options:
It just dawned on me tonight that Mike and I are ready-made for the perfect Halloween costume.
Don't laugh. Give it a moment . . .
For your consideration, the roles we were destined to play:

I'm the thinner blond one . . .

And a certain someone - after letting their facial hair grow a bit - is the other one . . .

What say you?
I think we could rock a costume contest with this get-up. The Mike just has to remember that he's the SILENT one, lol!
Don't laugh. Give it a moment . . .
For your consideration, the roles we were destined to play:
I'm the thinner blond one . . .
And a certain someone - after letting their facial hair grow a bit - is the other one . . .
What say you?
I think we could rock a costume contest with this get-up. The Mike just has to remember that he's the SILENT one, lol!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I Like to Die:
It is so incredibly warm here today. Three months away from the Central Valley summer heat has turned me into a mild-temperatured pussy apparently! That and no air conditioning. SLO doesn't believe in it.
99 degrees today.
CJ, you really picked a great time to visit! The crap overcast weather had just passed, and you got in when it was about perfect.
Today, we're miserable hot.
More to come - once I dry off my sweaty palms and neck!
99 degrees today.
CJ, you really picked a great time to visit! The crap overcast weather had just passed, and you got in when it was about perfect.
Today, we're miserable hot.
More to come - once I dry off my sweaty palms and neck!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Crash and Burn, Bass Style:
Do you see them on the list here?
You have to squint and start from the bottom up . . .
Yeah, 53rd place. What a difference a day *does* make, LOL!
I've come to realize that while he and I can compare our passions, there is a point where we aren't comparable at all.
We both need tools: Multiple rods & reels versus multiple types of needles
We both need inventory: Multiple type yarns versus multiple type lures.
Here's were the difference lies.
I don't "bet" on my passion. I can sit in my living room and be content for hours upon days upon weeks. He on the other hand is not content to take his boat to a local lake and just sit and fish for hours upon days upon weeks. He has to enter competitions and basically bet on the activity. Paying money to "win" a game.
Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods didn't sit in their living rooms dreaming of skill. They got out and practiced, practiced, practiced and practiced some more. Mike wants to only fish for competition and apparently he's not that great at it. I'm guessing this is because of the hours he spends *dreaming* of winning versus the hours he never spends practicing.
The betting is the part I'm really souring on.
Thank you Diana, for the info on the Patron Saint of Fish! It didn't even dawn on me that you'd have the answer, LOL. I just love how there is a saint for everything.
I think I need to get in touch with the Patron Saint of Bettors, or Debtors, or something :eyeroll:
You have to squint and start from the bottom up . . .
Yeah, 53rd place. What a difference a day *does* make, LOL!
I've come to realize that while he and I can compare our passions, there is a point where we aren't comparable at all.
We both need tools: Multiple rods & reels versus multiple types of needles
We both need inventory: Multiple type yarns versus multiple type lures.
Here's were the difference lies.
I don't "bet" on my passion. I can sit in my living room and be content for hours upon days upon weeks. He on the other hand is not content to take his boat to a local lake and just sit and fish for hours upon days upon weeks. He has to enter competitions and basically bet on the activity. Paying money to "win" a game.
Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods didn't sit in their living rooms dreaming of skill. They got out and practiced, practiced, practiced and practiced some more. Mike wants to only fish for competition and apparently he's not that great at it. I'm guessing this is because of the hours he spends *dreaming* of winning versus the hours he never spends practicing.
The betting is the part I'm really souring on.
Thank you Diana, for the info on the Patron Saint of Fish! It didn't even dawn on me that you'd have the answer, LOL. I just love how there is a saint for everything.
I think I need to get in touch with the Patron Saint of Bettors, or Debtors, or something :eyeroll:
Friday, September 26, 2008
#10 With a Bullet, Baby!:
Check that out!
Out of 96 teams (2 people to a team) Mike and his partner are in tenth place for the first day.
Tomorrow is another day, and anything can happen (and what other sports platitudes can I throw in there, LOL!) Another team can snag a 10lb slob right off the bat tomorrow morning and change everything. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
Everyone practiced Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mike didn't catch one fish those first two days, and caught just a few yesterday.
All that matters is today and tomorrow though.
Which one is the patron saint of fish? I need to talk to that guy, LOL!
I'm really happy for his results today - because he's just over the moon about it.
Pictures when my camera gets back, and news as it happens.
Out of 96 teams (2 people to a team) Mike and his partner are in tenth place for the first day.
Tomorrow is another day, and anything can happen (and what other sports platitudes can I throw in there, LOL!) Another team can snag a 10lb slob right off the bat tomorrow morning and change everything. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
Everyone practiced Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mike didn't catch one fish those first two days, and caught just a few yesterday.
All that matters is today and tomorrow though.
Which one is the patron saint of fish? I need to talk to that guy, LOL!
I'm really happy for his results today - because he's just over the moon about it.
Pictures when my camera gets back, and news as it happens.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
And Thus it Starts:
After the visit with my sis last Wednesday, we made a date for her to come over this Wednesday and we'd work on my craft room.
Then I remembered that The Mike was going to be out of town and I have zero interest in doing anything responsible (outside of the care of my pets, of course!) while he's gone so I changed the plans to me going over to her house so she could show me some of my manual camera's features and settings.
Fast forward to our date day today. She already called crying about how she doesn't 'feel well'. No. Literally. Crying. Tears. Sniffles. The whole waterworks show.
I told her it was entirely up to her if she wants company or not, as I have absolutely no agenda besides goofing around with my camera. I wasn't planning some big excursion - just futzing around her house and seeing the family as they got home during the afternoon.
I'm going over in a few, against my better judgement.
I JUST KNEW IT. One week. That's all she could last before dragging out her well-worn blanket of Mystery Illness that she wraps around herself for comfort and sympathy. Too bad Fate gave her a sister born without the pity gene, LOL.
Today, I ran across this on the interwebs while looking at some local SLO stuff.
It's from Food Not Bombs, and SLO has a local chapter.
Then I remembered that The Mike was going to be out of town and I have zero interest in doing anything responsible (outside of the care of my pets, of course!) while he's gone so I changed the plans to me going over to her house so she could show me some of my manual camera's features and settings.
Fast forward to our date day today. She already called crying about how she doesn't 'feel well'. No. Literally. Crying. Tears. Sniffles. The whole waterworks show.
I told her it was entirely up to her if she wants company or not, as I have absolutely no agenda besides goofing around with my camera. I wasn't planning some big excursion - just futzing around her house and seeing the family as they got home during the afternoon.
I'm going over in a few, against my better judgement.
I JUST KNEW IT. One week. That's all she could last before dragging out her well-worn blanket of Mystery Illness that she wraps around herself for comfort and sympathy. Too bad Fate gave her a sister born without the pity gene, LOL.
Today, I ran across this on the interwebs while looking at some local SLO stuff.
"It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber."
It's from Food Not Bombs, and SLO has a local chapter.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Gone Fish'n:
I left The Mike in a parking lot in Morro Bay at 5:30 this morning and now he's on his way to Clearlake for a really big fishing tournament. He qualified in the Golden Valley region.
I think I'm going to miss my camera the most, LOL.
Lucky me though, my friend Suzanne gifted me two really nice cameras and there's no excuse left to not start trying them out.
After I get some more sleep. It is WAAAAY to early to be up!
I don't know how much blogging I'll get to this week though - no husband for the next 5 days is too good to waste sitting around the computer, don't you think?
I think I'm going to miss my camera the most, LOL.
Lucky me though, my friend Suzanne gifted me two really nice cameras and there's no excuse left to not start trying them out.
After I get some more sleep. It is WAAAAY to early to be up!
I don't know how much blogging I'll get to this week though - no husband for the next 5 days is too good to waste sitting around the computer, don't you think?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
No Tears Equals A Good Visit:
The visit is done, and it went better than I expected. It's not that I want the worst, but I know my sister . . . usually.
It actually went pretty well, and we had a good visit. I think we both are ready to start on easy ground and stay there, for at least a while. No drama trigger points.
She even made a date to come visit again next Wednesday! Her. Visiting Me. LOL.
It actually went pretty well, and we had a good visit. I think we both are ready to start on easy ground and stay there, for at least a while. No drama trigger points.
She even made a date to come visit again next Wednesday! Her. Visiting Me. LOL.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
After several phone calls starting at 10am today, my sister decided at 1pm that she needed to stay home and take care of her daughter.
Since my niece had a headache and her boyfriend just broke up with her as well.
It's been postponed until tomorrow.
I really would have liked to be sitting here tonight with it already behind me.
Since my niece had a headache and her boyfriend just broke up with her as well.
It's been postponed until tomorrow.
I really would have liked to be sitting here tonight with it already behind me.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tomorrow Is Another Day:
Tomorrow. I'm kind of dreading it, but I'm making the effort to not go in with a negative vibe.
Way back at the end of the year, when I wrote it up, one of the items on my "to do" for 2008 was to try and establish a relationship with my sister again.
We haven't talked face-to-face for quite a while (at least a year?) and rarely in emails even anymore. When I moved back home (she lives in the SLO area as well) I made sure to give her my new address.
That was back in July . . .
She's *supposedly* going to be visiting me tomorrow.
I did this entirely on my terms for a change. Everything is always about her - visit at HER house, talk about HER problems, put up with HER interruptions.
When I still lived here 4+ years ago, we lived (no lie) about 6 big-city blocks away. She off The Pike and me off Highway 1, both in the same city. She visited me one time there. Ever.
For the 4+ years at our house in Porterville, she came to visit . . . lemme think now . . . *ticks off fingers* . . . uh, yeah. One time. Ever.
Apparently that's really pissed me off since I still hold it against her.
Back when her kids were younger, it would have made sense to be tied down to the house. Back when her kids were younger, she actually visited me MORE and I lived further away! In another state! I lived near one of the kid's grandparents though, so that's probably the real reason she came to visit me back then.
Now I'm back in town (albeit not 6 big-city blocks away but definately just 15 minutes away at most) and she'd finally deigned to come to my house tomorrow.
Again, this is all on my terms. I have not stopped by her house one time since coming home. She's asked several times, in her annoying way, hinting around about when I'm 'going to come see her'. Haven't. The road goes both ways and my house is the *new* place. The place to be seen and checked out and shown off. I've seen her house a bazillion times. She's thrown out the "your niece would love to see you" even. Really? The niece that just got her learner's permit? The niece that hasn't emailed or written or called since . . . oh about 10 years? That's nice, but save it.
I've just left this *thing* to sit out and simmer between us. She had the address and could do what she wanted with it. I got the "oh I'm sooooo busy with all the kids" (and that's another story for another day - she's only got two of her own and she's taken in one of her friend's kids for whatever Madonna-complex reason she works under) and the "oh I'm soooo busy with this class I'm taking" (one freak'n day a week) and just general "oh I'm soooo busy" poor me crap blanket she wraps around herself all the time.
I'm not buying into it any more. Ain't drinking her particular brand of Crazy Kool-aid and ain't catering to her.
She finally said she had a break in her Oh So Busy schedule (of not having a real job like the rest of the world) and will come over tomorrow. The only thing I wanted on our agenda was puttering around in my craft room. She's really into rubber stamping and general craft-like endeavors so I'm thinking this would be a good icebreaker for us. No heavy lifting, no Take Care of Little Sister mentality necessary, just hanging and crafting and if she has suggestions for organization I'm all ears. I had zero crafty interest before I moved away, so I'm hoping this mutual interest will work to bond us closer.
We'll see.
Here's where I'm expecting trouble: After ten minutes she's going to start crying and saying things like "I don't know why we're not close" and "You don't understand" - which means I don't understand about her crazy mixed up (made up? I seriously wonder) medical issues that never seem to have a root or a method of treatment. She's right. I DON'T get it. Don't get her.
She's full of all the shit I just don't understand in real life anyway. I wouldn't understand that in my friends, or my husband's family. I don't get sick and I have zero tolerance for people who use phantom illnesses to excuse all their poor life choices. Real people get real illnesses all the time. That I do get. It sucks and it's not fair and sometimes they throw up their hands and scream "WHY? WHY ME. Just "WHY?" Yet all those people get up every fucking day and live their lives and keep on keeping on with the good fight.
Nose to the grindstone. I totally get that.
My sister ain't that person.
This is a 20 minute blog post to encapsulate 32 years of family history between us. There's definately more history than I've written down to far.
She's not my *real* sister in terms of blood. Her parents adopted me (and my younger brother) when I was seven. They unadopted (we'll get to that one day) me when I was 15. I'm 39 now. We're sisters in our hearts though, and maybe that's the point of all I wrote just now. Remembering that we think of each other as sisters after all this time and history.
I'm going to try tomorrow. I won't unleash or vent or dump back all the crap she spews. I'm going to stick to the plan of 'crafting' and guide the conversation as best I can through the murky and turbulent waters of our different personalities.
Way back at the end of the year, when I wrote it up, one of the items on my "to do" for 2008 was to try and establish a relationship with my sister again.
We haven't talked face-to-face for quite a while (at least a year?) and rarely in emails even anymore. When I moved back home (she lives in the SLO area as well) I made sure to give her my new address.
That was back in July . . .
She's *supposedly* going to be visiting me tomorrow.
I did this entirely on my terms for a change. Everything is always about her - visit at HER house, talk about HER problems, put up with HER interruptions.
When I still lived here 4+ years ago, we lived (no lie) about 6 big-city blocks away. She off The Pike and me off Highway 1, both in the same city. She visited me one time there. Ever.
For the 4+ years at our house in Porterville, she came to visit . . . lemme think now . . . *ticks off fingers* . . . uh, yeah. One time. Ever.
Apparently that's really pissed me off since I still hold it against her.
Back when her kids were younger, it would have made sense to be tied down to the house. Back when her kids were younger, she actually visited me MORE and I lived further away! In another state! I lived near one of the kid's grandparents though, so that's probably the real reason she came to visit me back then.
Now I'm back in town (albeit not 6 big-city blocks away but definately just 15 minutes away at most) and she'd finally deigned to come to my house tomorrow.
Again, this is all on my terms. I have not stopped by her house one time since coming home. She's asked several times, in her annoying way, hinting around about when I'm 'going to come see her'. Haven't. The road goes both ways and my house is the *new* place. The place to be seen and checked out and shown off. I've seen her house a bazillion times. She's thrown out the "your niece would love to see you" even. Really? The niece that just got her learner's permit? The niece that hasn't emailed or written or called since . . . oh about 10 years? That's nice, but save it.
I've just left this *thing* to sit out and simmer between us. She had the address and could do what she wanted with it. I got the "oh I'm sooooo busy with all the kids" (and that's another story for another day - she's only got two of her own and she's taken in one of her friend's kids for whatever Madonna-complex reason she works under) and the "oh I'm soooo busy with this class I'm taking" (one freak'n day a week) and just general "oh I'm soooo busy" poor me crap blanket she wraps around herself all the time.
I'm not buying into it any more. Ain't drinking her particular brand of Crazy Kool-aid and ain't catering to her.
She finally said she had a break in her Oh So Busy schedule (of not having a real job like the rest of the world) and will come over tomorrow. The only thing I wanted on our agenda was puttering around in my craft room. She's really into rubber stamping and general craft-like endeavors so I'm thinking this would be a good icebreaker for us. No heavy lifting, no Take Care of Little Sister mentality necessary, just hanging and crafting and if she has suggestions for organization I'm all ears. I had zero crafty interest before I moved away, so I'm hoping this mutual interest will work to bond us closer.
We'll see.
Here's where I'm expecting trouble: After ten minutes she's going to start crying and saying things like "I don't know why we're not close" and "You don't understand" - which means I don't understand about her crazy mixed up (made up? I seriously wonder) medical issues that never seem to have a root or a method of treatment. She's right. I DON'T get it. Don't get her.
She's full of all the shit I just don't understand in real life anyway. I wouldn't understand that in my friends, or my husband's family. I don't get sick and I have zero tolerance for people who use phantom illnesses to excuse all their poor life choices. Real people get real illnesses all the time. That I do get. It sucks and it's not fair and sometimes they throw up their hands and scream "WHY? WHY ME. Just "WHY?" Yet all those people get up every fucking day and live their lives and keep on keeping on with the good fight.
Nose to the grindstone. I totally get that.
My sister ain't that person.
This is a 20 minute blog post to encapsulate 32 years of family history between us. There's definately more history than I've written down to far.
She's not my *real* sister in terms of blood. Her parents adopted me (and my younger brother) when I was seven. They unadopted (we'll get to that one day) me when I was 15. I'm 39 now. We're sisters in our hearts though, and maybe that's the point of all I wrote just now. Remembering that we think of each other as sisters after all this time and history.
I'm going to try tomorrow. I won't unleash or vent or dump back all the crap she spews. I'm going to stick to the plan of 'crafting' and guide the conversation as best I can through the murky and turbulent waters of our different personalities.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I've split up the blog into three separate topics.
This one, Blue Content, will focus on the more "diary" like entries.
Knitting Blue WIPs will be tied to ravelry.com and knitting-centric in content.
Knitting Blue Pictures will be focused on my love of photography primarily, but I think there will be cross-over between Blue Content and Blue Photography.
I still need to clean up/streamline all three, so I'll work on that this week.
My nature is more towards compartmentalizing so this change feels *right*.
And yeah, I know that there could be some mental issues associated with compartmentalizing. That's where Knitting Blue Content comes in! Free therapy, LOL.
This one, Blue Content, will focus on the more "diary" like entries.
Knitting Blue WIPs will be tied to ravelry.com and knitting-centric in content.
Knitting Blue Pictures will be focused on my love of photography primarily, but I think there will be cross-over between Blue Content and Blue Photography.
I still need to clean up/streamline all three, so I'll work on that this week.
My nature is more towards compartmentalizing so this change feels *right*.
And yeah, I know that there could be some mental issues associated with compartmentalizing. That's where Knitting Blue Content comes in! Free therapy, LOL.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bits of This and That:
I'm at a crossroad, folks.
One one hand, there is so much *great* going on around this place that it should be illegal.
Friday, The Mike and I had dinner out at Olde Port Inn (which is a misnomer because there ain't no "inn" to it), after visiting the last Avila Beach Farmer's Market of the season.
When I went to the Grover Farmer's Market the other day, I'd picked up some corn from Hayashi's and Oh Good Gawd it was the best corn on the cob I think I've ever eaten! And this is coming from the girl that grew up on a farm and had to tend the family's garden . . . pluck'n and shuck'n and weed'n and hoe'n until my arms like to have fell off!
I've been on the hunt for their corn ever since and lemme just tell you. It's not at the Avila Farmer's Market. Honestly? There really isn't much at that Market. I don't think I'm interested in going when it starts back up next season. Mike scored himself several sugar-free desserts though.
Today I buzzed over to Nipomo, (via Oceano to hit up Hayashi's roadside stand on the way. Three ears of corn, a loaf of artichoke and pesto bread, a bottle of *GET THIS* Porterville olives and a bundle of strawberries later) I visited my buddy Sheila. She's laid up with an extremely bruised back. We sat outside, we sat (I sat, she laid on the floor) inside, enjoyed the sun, enjoyed a movie, knit, didn't knit, ate, drank some wine and overall just hung out together. The weather was awesome from one end of the central coast to the other today.
Tonight was leftovers and in a while I'm going to be firmly planted on the couch, watching the season premier of SNL. Michael Phelps, y'all. And if that isn't incentive enough, then tell me that Tina Fey and Sara Palin are not identical twins from different mothers?
Tomorrow is chock-full of fun as well. It's the last day of this year's I Madonnari street painting festival and later, the monthly Central Coast Beer and Knitting meetup.
And here's where the crossroad comes into play.
My life has an aspect of Wine & Roses fun. Something I think is appropriate for a general knitting blog tied to ravelry that general people will happen upon.
The other aspect of my life isn't all peachy keen and my take on things isn't about the Sweetness and Light.
Today I heard a horrid phone conversation between two people starting down the path of divorce. Two people I know very well.
Some things that go on with me have roots in my childhood and there are some seriously dark parts to that.
I started this blog not actually knowing REAL people reading it . . . maybe CJ and I had met once by then, but we hadn't bonded or hung out like we have since. I didn't know any of you guys reading this when I started and I had started with the intent to talk about my life . . . my real day-to-day, 'no punches held' life story and goings on and what I really really think about shit.
Every day I start a blog post in my head about having been adopted, or unadopted, or how being married is, or how I REALLY feel about things and want to express for myself, to get my thoughts down, and I don't. People I know in real life read this and even though I have that 'Eff You' exterior, I would hate to know I've offended someone.
Having thought about it off and on for several weeks now, I've decided to make my "knitting/rose-colored glasses" blog the one tied to ravelry. I just haven't decided if I want to keep "Knitting Blue Content" that one or if I want to create one with a more 'bland' name to tie to ravelry. Whatever I decide, name-wise and content-wise, I will let my current "friends" know about so they can choose.
With that said, one will not be rainbow kisses and lollipop dreams, so read if you want but don't say I didn't warn you.
One one hand, there is so much *great* going on around this place that it should be illegal.
Friday, The Mike and I had dinner out at Olde Port Inn (which is a misnomer because there ain't no "inn" to it), after visiting the last Avila Beach Farmer's Market of the season.
When I went to the Grover Farmer's Market the other day, I'd picked up some corn from Hayashi's and Oh Good Gawd it was the best corn on the cob I think I've ever eaten! And this is coming from the girl that grew up on a farm and had to tend the family's garden . . . pluck'n and shuck'n and weed'n and hoe'n until my arms like to have fell off!
I've been on the hunt for their corn ever since and lemme just tell you. It's not at the Avila Farmer's Market. Honestly? There really isn't much at that Market. I don't think I'm interested in going when it starts back up next season. Mike scored himself several sugar-free desserts though.
Today I buzzed over to Nipomo, (via Oceano to hit up Hayashi's roadside stand on the way. Three ears of corn, a loaf of artichoke and pesto bread, a bottle of *GET THIS* Porterville olives and a bundle of strawberries later) I visited my buddy Sheila. She's laid up with an extremely bruised back. We sat outside, we sat (I sat, she laid on the floor) inside, enjoyed the sun, enjoyed a movie, knit, didn't knit, ate, drank some wine and overall just hung out together. The weather was awesome from one end of the central coast to the other today.
Tonight was leftovers and in a while I'm going to be firmly planted on the couch, watching the season premier of SNL. Michael Phelps, y'all. And if that isn't incentive enough, then tell me that Tina Fey and Sara Palin are not identical twins from different mothers?
Tomorrow is chock-full of fun as well. It's the last day of this year's I Madonnari street painting festival and later, the monthly Central Coast Beer and Knitting meetup.
And here's where the crossroad comes into play.
My life has an aspect of Wine & Roses fun. Something I think is appropriate for a general knitting blog tied to ravelry that general people will happen upon.
The other aspect of my life isn't all peachy keen and my take on things isn't about the Sweetness and Light.
Today I heard a horrid phone conversation between two people starting down the path of divorce. Two people I know very well.
Some things that go on with me have roots in my childhood and there are some seriously dark parts to that.
I started this blog not actually knowing REAL people reading it . . . maybe CJ and I had met once by then, but we hadn't bonded or hung out like we have since. I didn't know any of you guys reading this when I started and I had started with the intent to talk about my life . . . my real day-to-day, 'no punches held' life story and goings on and what I really really think about shit.
Every day I start a blog post in my head about having been adopted, or unadopted, or how being married is, or how I REALLY feel about things and want to express for myself, to get my thoughts down, and I don't. People I know in real life read this and even though I have that 'Eff You' exterior, I would hate to know I've offended someone.
Having thought about it off and on for several weeks now, I've decided to make my "knitting/rose-colored glasses" blog the one tied to ravelry. I just haven't decided if I want to keep "Knitting Blue Content" that one or if I want to create one with a more 'bland' name to tie to ravelry. Whatever I decide, name-wise and content-wise, I will let my current "friends" know about so they can choose.
With that said, one will not be rainbow kisses and lollipop dreams, so read if you want but don't say I didn't warn you.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I Could Be Convinced:
You know that saying "I need XXX like I need another hole in the head" ?
Well, for me, I need more knitting needles like I need another hole in my head. I have straights, circs, dpns, and TWO sets of interchangeables.
Today I just stumbled across this, people!

Addi Turbos now come in an interchangeable kit!
Now I just need to figure out where this new hole in my head is going, LOL.
They come with a princely price tag attached, but seriously, you get pretty much all the Addi you'll ever need (although no sizes below 4) and that's for some quality knitting tools.
Crap. I should probably start looking for a job now, to finance this heavenly acquisition.
Well, for me, I need more knitting needles like I need another hole in my head. I have straights, circs, dpns, and TWO sets of interchangeables.
Today I just stumbled across this, people!
Addi Turbos now come in an interchangeable kit!
Now I just need to figure out where this new hole in my head is going, LOL.
They come with a princely price tag attached, but seriously, you get pretty much all the Addi you'll ever need (although no sizes below 4) and that's for some quality knitting tools.
Crap. I should probably start looking for a job now, to finance this heavenly acquisition.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Avila Slideshow:
I'm trying to figure out how to get all "Ellen Bloom" on you, with the cool-ass slideshow stuff.
Today I ended up hitting Avila Beach, instead of Pismo Beach, for my 9/11 introspective/pensive day and took a ton of pictures.
Mmmkay. Apparently I suck at the embedding. Grrr!
You can check out the slideshow here instead.
So anywhooo. I elected to go to Avila because I had some errands to run in SLO and it made more sense gas-wise.
I don't have many great childhood memories, but the few I do have? Avila is one of the best ones. The 'lagoon' area is absolutely perfect for younger kids or older folks. It's just so peaceful and serene. The water is pretty shallow and the area is usually uninhabited . . . especially on a work day afternoon.
So there are my pictures. Of Avila, of birds, of people, of dogs, and just of. Of my foot that isn't broken anymore and of nature and of scenery.
It was time well spent.
Today I ended up hitting Avila Beach, instead of Pismo Beach, for my 9/11 introspective/pensive day and took a ton of pictures.
Mmmkay. Apparently I suck at the embedding. Grrr!
You can check out the slideshow here instead.
So anywhooo. I elected to go to Avila because I had some errands to run in SLO and it made more sense gas-wise.
I don't have many great childhood memories, but the few I do have? Avila is one of the best ones. The 'lagoon' area is absolutely perfect for younger kids or older folks. It's just so peaceful and serene. The water is pretty shallow and the area is usually uninhabited . . . especially on a work day afternoon.
So there are my pictures. Of Avila, of birds, of people, of dogs, and just of. Of my foot that isn't broken anymore and of nature and of scenery.
It was time well spent.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I think I'm going to head on down to Pismo, to sit, knit and think about what happened 7 years ago.
That's what I did on 9/11/02 and it just feels like where I need to be for reflection again.
Seven years have passed, yet it feels like yesterday in so many ways.
I'm stopping now before I completely rant and vent my frustrations with our country and our current President (and his political party).
Seven years. I can hardly believe it.
That's what I did on 9/11/02 and it just feels like where I need to be for reflection again.
Seven years have passed, yet it feels like yesterday in so many ways.
I'm stopping now before I completely rant and vent my frustrations with our country and our current President (and his political party).
Seven years. I can hardly believe it.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Knitting, Fog, Friends and Fried Green 'Maters:
Holy Cats y'all! It's been a bit since I've last written and sorry for that.
While the days pass, I'm busy in some ways and lazy-dazy in others.
Knitting (cuz HELLO! This is first and foremost a knitting blog!)
I have a pair of socks off the needles. You can see what I'm talking about here.
Fresh on the needles are something I thought I'd never knit in a million years. Just. So. Not. Thank Ye and not interested in the least.
'Scept I not only cast on, I'm almost done with the first one.
There are several reasons why knucks (and all their offspring) didn't interest me. Half-assed gloves? Pfft. Pourquois? If it's that damn cold Outside, than either 1) this delicate flower is Inside or 2) I'm wearing glove-gloves. That made sense to me.
That is, until this delicate flower decided to knit outdoors this last Friday. "Outdoors in San Luis" you wonder? Yeah. Here in The Big City of SLO the sun always shines, the birds always sing and always with The Pretty People walking the sidewalks. Outdoors anywhere else along the coastline? It sucks weather ass. Truth be told though, it doesn't suck on the "hanging out and enjoying it" front. I love me some real Weather. It just sucks on the photog front and the "knitting outside" front.
Thus, the love of knucks was born. No way am I going to be outside in The Fog again, with cold hands and an itch to knit!
Outside of knitting?
Wait, what? There's stuff outside of knitting?
Oh, that's right. Local guy Chuck Liddell got his bell rung. and a local business owner passed on. I love Mo's alot. It's the best place to get fried green tomatoes outside of Louisiana or my kitchen. Mo's is some seriously good eats.
Tomorrow is the weekly Monday KnitUp at Woodstone in Avila (which if you're a true local . . . ? It ain't really Avila. It's "Avila Adjacent" and how snobby does THAT sound, LOL!) I'm looking forward to meeting up with these ladies again. They are so flipp'n nice and interesting and welcoming.
I AM wondering how my sweet friend SisterDi is doing though. She had a quick and unexpected move away and until I get to see her again, I worry.
While the days pass, I'm busy in some ways and lazy-dazy in others.
Knitting (cuz HELLO! This is first and foremost a knitting blog!)
I have a pair of socks off the needles. You can see what I'm talking about here.
Fresh on the needles are something I thought I'd never knit in a million years. Just. So. Not. Thank Ye and not interested in the least.
'Scept I not only cast on, I'm almost done with the first one.
There are several reasons why knucks (and all their offspring) didn't interest me. Half-assed gloves? Pfft. Pourquois? If it's that damn cold Outside, than either 1) this delicate flower is Inside or 2) I'm wearing glove-gloves. That made sense to me.
That is, until this delicate flower decided to knit outdoors this last Friday. "Outdoors in San Luis" you wonder? Yeah. Here in The Big City of SLO the sun always shines, the birds always sing and always with The Pretty People walking the sidewalks. Outdoors anywhere else along the coastline? It sucks weather ass. Truth be told though, it doesn't suck on the "hanging out and enjoying it" front. I love me some real Weather. It just sucks on the photog front and the "knitting outside" front.
Thus, the love of knucks was born. No way am I going to be outside in The Fog again, with cold hands and an itch to knit!
Outside of knitting?
Wait, what? There's stuff outside of knitting?
Oh, that's right. Local guy Chuck Liddell got his bell rung. and a local business owner passed on. I love Mo's alot. It's the best place to get fried green tomatoes outside of Louisiana or my kitchen. Mo's is some seriously good eats.
Tomorrow is the weekly Monday KnitUp at Woodstone in Avila (which if you're a true local . . . ? It ain't really Avila. It's "Avila Adjacent" and how snobby does THAT sound, LOL!) I'm looking forward to meeting up with these ladies again. They are so flipp'n nice and interesting and welcoming.
I AM wondering how my sweet friend SisterDi is doing though. She had a quick and unexpected move away and until I get to see her again, I worry.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Busy Busy:
Man. I've been doing a lot of stuff outdoors lately.
Last Thursday I went to the SLO Farmer's Market with Mike and Sheila.
It was PACKED and my chief complaint is all the frigg'n stollers being pushed around in the crowds. Empty strollers, people. Little SUVs sans the urchins they are intended for. What the hell? Dogs on leashes aren't allowed but empty stroller after empty stroller rolls through taking up the limited space.
SLO's Thursday Farmer's Market is the biggest one in the area (that I know of) and thus the selection is awesome! We bought two large artichokes, three bunches of asparagus, 4 nectarines (from Fresno but those are Mike's and he doesn't even KNOW what a 'carbon footprint' is, let alone care about it), some more little tomatoes and a pound of some kind of green chili peppers. Mike bought a sugar-free pie but ate it the same night so I don't know the name of the vendor. Oh, and I almost forgot. My FAVORITE FAVORITE, a container of blood orange orange juice from Varian Farms. Holy moly it's delicious. Sweeeeeet, yeah, but with a touch of tart. YUM.
I ate some kind of indian-spiced vegetarian pie thing for dinner and then we sat at Firestone's Grill so Sheila and Mike could eat. I passed the time by casting on and knitting away on my second HazelKnits sock.
The next evening we hooked up with Mike's brother B and the girlfriend M and hit Cal Poly to fish at one of the ponds. It was so picturesque but I did cast my rod a few times before it got too dark. No bites outside of mosquitoes eating me alive! The picture of the clouds is courtesy of Mike. I was around the pond from everyone and I asked him to take a picture of the beautiful clouds. He took a picture and goofed it up.
Mike, having been raised in the tradition of the "this is how we do it because this is how we've always done it" mantra, wanted to go back to the same spot the next morning . . . so we did. Me, Mike and his buddy Scott.
We trudged up the effing hill and as the free roaming horses came into view I realized I had left my camera waaaaaaaay back down there in the truck.
You know I must be serious about this picture take'n stuff because I walked all the way back down and ALLLLL the way back up because of that damn camera. It was totally worth it though! I caught my first fish (but refused to touch it and Mike got mad at me, LOL) and the horses just walked right past us and into the pond for a drink and some splashing. It was awesome! Scott caught 2 fish and Mike? he caught ZERO. We all had a good laugh over that.
Mike wanted to go fishing again Sunday morning (earlier than we went on Saturday morning) so I woke my ass up at 5:30am to offer to go fishing - except I wasn't going back to the same pond. I wanted to go to Laguna Lake this time.
He said no.
That'll be the last time I offer to go fishing with him!
Since I was up that damn early, I decided to grab the camera and catch the sun rise. It was beautiful . . . until the fog rolled in.
Monday we did nothing that I remember.
Tuesday Mike said a repair guy (again!) was coming 'any time' that day so I stuck around the house. Dude never showed (again!)
Today I had no intention of sitting around waiting for flaky repair dudes, so I left the house at 8:20 this morning to hit the Grover Beach Farmer's Market. It's smaller than the SLO one, but bigger than the Avila Beach one. There was hardly anyone there, in comparison, and not one stroller! Score. I bought bell peppers for our stuffed bell peppers dinner tonight, 5 more green tomatoes (the last batch ripened faster than I could get to them so I only fried up two small ones and all that did was leave me with a bigger yen for them!), three ears of fresh corn from Hayashi's, 6 Granny Smith apples to make some more of these tasty babies, a fresh lemon and a mini loaf of banana nut breat from House of Bread.
After all that shopping I made my way home via Pismo Beach. Y'all know I can't get within spitting distance of the ocean without going to it, right?! This time I just lingered around the Pismo Creek and took a few pictures. it was VERY foggy, as you can see. My camera doesn't work well without natural sunlight so it was a bit tricky getting decent snaps, but I did manage a few.
Leaving Pismo, I took Price Canyon Road home and what the hay! I had to stop and snap a few more before turning into my driveway.
Oooohhh! The other thing I did (no pics though) was meet up with some knitters on Monday morning, near Avila. A very nice group of women and I will be going to their Monday gathering every Monday that I don't have a job. Yeah, that isn't helping with the job-mojo-motivation either, lemmetellya!
Upcoming: Hmmm. I don't think I really have anything planned this week outside of house chores. Still haven't finished my craft room . . . and I'm 70 % done with my two socks left on the needles. I've been itching to start my kitchen curtain project but I've resisted casting on as of yet. I have 95% of my second bath mat done, and there's a bit of work left on my log-cabin-inspired kitchen rug (but man I hate working with that thick cotton! It's a killer on my hands).
Until I figure out what's next, I'll be busy taking pictures like this:

It just never gets old!
Last Thursday I went to the SLO Farmer's Market with Mike and Sheila.
It was PACKED and my chief complaint is all the frigg'n stollers being pushed around in the crowds. Empty strollers, people. Little SUVs sans the urchins they are intended for. What the hell? Dogs on leashes aren't allowed but empty stroller after empty stroller rolls through taking up the limited space.
SLO's Thursday Farmer's Market is the biggest one in the area (that I know of) and thus the selection is awesome! We bought two large artichokes, three bunches of asparagus, 4 nectarines (from Fresno but those are Mike's and he doesn't even KNOW what a 'carbon footprint' is, let alone care about it), some more little tomatoes and a pound of some kind of green chili peppers. Mike bought a sugar-free pie but ate it the same night so I don't know the name of the vendor. Oh, and I almost forgot. My FAVORITE FAVORITE, a container of blood orange orange juice from Varian Farms. Holy moly it's delicious. Sweeeeeet, yeah, but with a touch of tart. YUM.
I ate some kind of indian-spiced vegetarian pie thing for dinner and then we sat at Firestone's Grill so Sheila and Mike could eat. I passed the time by casting on and knitting away on my second HazelKnits sock.
The next evening we hooked up with Mike's brother B and the girlfriend M and hit Cal Poly to fish at one of the ponds. It was so picturesque but I did cast my rod a few times before it got too dark. No bites outside of mosquitoes eating me alive! The picture of the clouds is courtesy of Mike. I was around the pond from everyone and I asked him to take a picture of the beautiful clouds. He took a picture and goofed it up.
Mike, having been raised in the tradition of the "this is how we do it because this is how we've always done it" mantra, wanted to go back to the same spot the next morning . . . so we did. Me, Mike and his buddy Scott.
We trudged up the effing hill and as the free roaming horses came into view I realized I had left my camera waaaaaaaay back down there in the truck.
You know I must be serious about this picture take'n stuff because I walked all the way back down and ALLLLL the way back up because of that damn camera. It was totally worth it though! I caught my first fish (but refused to touch it and Mike got mad at me, LOL) and the horses just walked right past us and into the pond for a drink and some splashing. It was awesome! Scott caught 2 fish and Mike? he caught ZERO. We all had a good laugh over that.
Mike wanted to go fishing again Sunday morning (earlier than we went on Saturday morning) so I woke my ass up at 5:30am to offer to go fishing - except I wasn't going back to the same pond. I wanted to go to Laguna Lake this time.
He said no.
That'll be the last time I offer to go fishing with him!
Since I was up that damn early, I decided to grab the camera and catch the sun rise. It was beautiful . . . until the fog rolled in.
Monday we did nothing that I remember.
Tuesday Mike said a repair guy (again!) was coming 'any time' that day so I stuck around the house. Dude never showed (again!)
Today I had no intention of sitting around waiting for flaky repair dudes, so I left the house at 8:20 this morning to hit the Grover Beach Farmer's Market. It's smaller than the SLO one, but bigger than the Avila Beach one. There was hardly anyone there, in comparison, and not one stroller! Score. I bought bell peppers for our stuffed bell peppers dinner tonight, 5 more green tomatoes (the last batch ripened faster than I could get to them so I only fried up two small ones and all that did was leave me with a bigger yen for them!), three ears of fresh corn from Hayashi's, 6 Granny Smith apples to make some more of these tasty babies, a fresh lemon and a mini loaf of banana nut breat from House of Bread.
After all that shopping I made my way home via Pismo Beach. Y'all know I can't get within spitting distance of the ocean without going to it, right?! This time I just lingered around the Pismo Creek and took a few pictures. it was VERY foggy, as you can see. My camera doesn't work well without natural sunlight so it was a bit tricky getting decent snaps, but I did manage a few.
Leaving Pismo, I took Price Canyon Road home and what the hay! I had to stop and snap a few more before turning into my driveway.
Oooohhh! The other thing I did (no pics though) was meet up with some knitters on Monday morning, near Avila. A very nice group of women and I will be going to their Monday gathering every Monday that I don't have a job. Yeah, that isn't helping with the job-mojo-motivation either, lemmetellya!
Upcoming: Hmmm. I don't think I really have anything planned this week outside of house chores. Still haven't finished my craft room . . . and I'm 70 % done with my two socks left on the needles. I've been itching to start my kitchen curtain project but I've resisted casting on as of yet. I have 95% of my second bath mat done, and there's a bit of work left on my log-cabin-inspired kitchen rug (but man I hate working with that thick cotton! It's a killer on my hands).
Until I figure out what's next, I'll be busy taking pictures like this:
It just never gets old!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Moment of Silence:
It has just been reported that Jerry Reed has died.
He's my all-time favorite country singer and I just loved him in Smokey & the Bandit.
For those that don't know him, he sang the theme song to that movie, and several other popular songs . . . "she got the goldmine and I got the shaft". Classic lyrics in that one.
You can listen to some of his most popular songs here.
I suggest "When you're hot, you're hot", "Amos Moses", "Lord Mr. Ford" and for a good laugh "The Bird". (yes, that's Jerry singing as Willie Nelson and George Jones!)
It's a sad day. The world just lost it's swing'n little guitar man.
He's my all-time favorite country singer and I just loved him in Smokey & the Bandit.
For those that don't know him, he sang the theme song to that movie, and several other popular songs . . . "she got the goldmine and I got the shaft". Classic lyrics in that one.
You can listen to some of his most popular songs here.
I suggest "When you're hot, you're hot", "Amos Moses", "Lord Mr. Ford" and for a good laugh "The Bird". (yes, that's Jerry singing as Willie Nelson and George Jones!)
It's a sad day. The world just lost it's swing'n little guitar man.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Scout Said I Could:
'Member? You 'member, that Kick Ass knitting book I was telling y'all about the other day?
From that blogger I don't really *get*?
You 'member!
Scout (of the most beautiful pictures evah) said anyone could steal her picture collage of the book, so long as we noted that we got it from her.
Pssst. I just got this collage from Scout!

Whilst I don't eat bowls of anything as I'm perched cross-legged and underwear-clad on my kitchen counters . . . I may consider it, given the beauty of Wendy's knits. Maybe that's how she gets her inspiration, and Lord Knows I could use some knitting inspiration, lol!
From that blogger I don't really *get*?
You 'member!
Scout (of the most beautiful pictures evah) said anyone could steal her picture collage of the book, so long as we noted that we got it from her.
Pssst. I just got this collage from Scout!
Whilst I don't eat bowls of anything as I'm perched cross-legged and underwear-clad on my kitchen counters . . . I may consider it, given the beauty of Wendy's knits. Maybe that's how she gets her inspiration, and Lord Knows I could use some knitting inspiration, lol!
Out and About, Coast Style:
Today I went to the Ebb Tide Park in Shell Beach and took WAY too many pictures!
Then, I wandered on down to the Pelican Point restaurant (at the Shore Cliff Lodge) and took WAY too many pictures of pelicans.
Finally, I ended up in Pismo, and took just a few pictures there (my camera battery was sucking fumes at that point).
Before I did all that though, I stopped over at the San Luis Obispo Octagon Barn and snapped a few.
All in all, a good relaxing day. I was home relatively early, but spent the afternoon downloading, cleaning up/culling and then uploading all these suckers and the next thing I knew The Mike was calling at 5pm to say he was heading home.
CRAP. I whipped up another batch of guacamole dip (from avocados and not any mix - which I just have to clarify because my guac ROCKS even though my gravy SUX) and then made a dinner of beef tacos. YUM.
Tomorrow a.m. I'm going to finally hit the craft room and get it into shape. There has to be some mental reason I've been procrastinating on this final project. Tomorrow p.m. we're going to the SLO Farmer's Market and Sheila is meeting up with us after a while. I did some emergency knitting surgery on her just-made camera sock and it's ready for her to get so that's the meet up.
Lastly, I've been giving a lot of thought about this here blog and how things have changed over time . . . and that I don't want the change . . . and how I'ma go back to my 'pre-change' way.
I'll tell y'all about it soon. Probably not tomorrow though. Kinda busy.
Then, I wandered on down to the Pelican Point restaurant (at the Shore Cliff Lodge) and took WAY too many pictures of pelicans.
Finally, I ended up in Pismo, and took just a few pictures there (my camera battery was sucking fumes at that point).
Before I did all that though, I stopped over at the San Luis Obispo Octagon Barn and snapped a few.
All in all, a good relaxing day. I was home relatively early, but spent the afternoon downloading, cleaning up/culling and then uploading all these suckers and the next thing I knew The Mike was calling at 5pm to say he was heading home.
CRAP. I whipped up another batch of guacamole dip (from avocados and not any mix - which I just have to clarify because my guac ROCKS even though my gravy SUX) and then made a dinner of beef tacos. YUM.
Tomorrow a.m. I'm going to finally hit the craft room and get it into shape. There has to be some mental reason I've been procrastinating on this final project. Tomorrow p.m. we're going to the SLO Farmer's Market and Sheila is meeting up with us after a while. I did some emergency knitting surgery on her just-made camera sock and it's ready for her to get so that's the meet up.
Lastly, I've been giving a lot of thought about this here blog and how things have changed over time . . . and that I don't want the change . . . and how I'ma go back to my 'pre-change' way.
I'll tell y'all about it soon. Probably not tomorrow though. Kinda busy.
8 Hours, All Mine:
Today, I will be *away from home* finally.
My plan was to be *away from home* Monday, but that didn't work out. See, I'd found out there is another knitting group that meets Monday mornings near Avila Beach. I'd even scoped the place out on our way to Farmer's Market last Friday (and told Mike about it, which is an important fact later).
Sunday night, Mike tells his brother to "stop by the house any time on Monday, April will be home" and Mike tells me some repair dude would also be stopping by on Monday "any time" to put a cover on our stove vent thingamajigger. His brother stopped by but the repair dude was a no-show.
I didn't make it to the Monday meetup. Grrrr.
Yesterday (Tuesday) my day consisted of going to BedBath&Beyond (hello 20% coupon in the mail!), Borders (hello Borders Rewards!), Trader Joe's (hello Trader Joe's. You ROCK!) and the regular 'ol grocery story (although it blows the P'ville *nice* grocery store out of the water with it's cleanliness and selection!)
We invited Mike's good friend Scott over for dinner as a Thank You for all his help during the move. Pot Roast and vegetables with gravy, YUM. The homemade gravy thing - I'm not so good at, but at least it was edible, lol. Fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies afterwards. Honestly, we really owe Scott like a week's worth of homecooked meals for all his help.
That brings us to today. I'm up extra early (well, I've been up for an hour and 7:20 certainly is on the early side for me), have perused all my daily internet haunts, and am off to shower. Today I'm hitting the road with my knitting, my camera and my clapotis and I won't be home until I feel like coming home . . .
. . . which is no later than 5pm so I can be here when The Mike gets home, LOL.
Pictures forthcoming.
Y'all have a good day!
My plan was to be *away from home* Monday, but that didn't work out. See, I'd found out there is another knitting group that meets Monday mornings near Avila Beach. I'd even scoped the place out on our way to Farmer's Market last Friday (and told Mike about it, which is an important fact later).
Sunday night, Mike tells his brother to "stop by the house any time on Monday, April will be home" and Mike tells me some repair dude would also be stopping by on Monday "any time" to put a cover on our stove vent thingamajigger. His brother stopped by but the repair dude was a no-show.
I didn't make it to the Monday meetup. Grrrr.
Yesterday (Tuesday) my day consisted of going to BedBath&Beyond (hello 20% coupon in the mail!), Borders (hello Borders Rewards!), Trader Joe's (hello Trader Joe's. You ROCK!) and the regular 'ol grocery story (although it blows the P'ville *nice* grocery store out of the water with it's cleanliness and selection!)
We invited Mike's good friend Scott over for dinner as a Thank You for all his help during the move. Pot Roast and vegetables with gravy, YUM. The homemade gravy thing - I'm not so good at, but at least it was edible, lol. Fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies afterwards. Honestly, we really owe Scott like a week's worth of homecooked meals for all his help.
That brings us to today. I'm up extra early (well, I've been up for an hour and 7:20 certainly is on the early side for me), have perused all my daily internet haunts, and am off to shower. Today I'm hitting the road with my knitting, my camera and my clapotis and I won't be home until I feel like coming home . . .
. . . which is no later than 5pm so I can be here when The Mike gets home, LOL.
Pictures forthcoming.
Y'all have a good day!
Monday, August 25, 2008
This One's For My Friends:
For Danni:

It's just right down the road from my house and a very good reason for you to come visit "the Coast"!
For CJ:

Thanks for the tutorial on these babies! I love them.
For Suzanne:

You are a huge knitting inspiration and I think that if I didn't know you, these might never have gotten made (by me at least, lol)
For Ellen, SisterDi and ZubieJen:

Y'all have an open invitation to visit.
Sheila doesn't read my blog, so I'm not wasting time talking to her :grin:
I'm off to get my day started - some cleaning, some knitting, and definately some frying up of my green tomatoes!
It's just right down the road from my house and a very good reason for you to come visit "the Coast"!
For CJ:
Thanks for the tutorial on these babies! I love them.
For Suzanne:
You are a huge knitting inspiration and I think that if I didn't know you, these might never have gotten made (by me at least, lol)
For Ellen, SisterDi and ZubieJen:
Y'all have an open invitation to visit.
Sheila doesn't read my blog, so I'm not wasting time talking to her :grin:
I'm off to get my day started - some cleaning, some knitting, and definately some frying up of my green tomatoes!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hello Photo:
Here's the promised update, via pictures:
Movie Night at Dolphin Cove
Friday's Avila Beach Farmer's Market
Kick'n around in Avila yesterday
Hang'n out in Pismo Beach last night
Cats in the backyard this afternoon
Yesterday, around the house
Ravelympic knitting progress
I added more pictures to my "Daily View" set - my view out the dining room window/front door
And just because she's so damn cute . . . a set of pictures dedicated to Blue, our cartoon kitty
In no particular order, these are some of my recent favorites:

Movie Night at Dolphin Cove
Friday's Avila Beach Farmer's Market
Kick'n around in Avila yesterday
Hang'n out in Pismo Beach last night
Cats in the backyard this afternoon
Yesterday, around the house
Ravelympic knitting progress
I added more pictures to my "Daily View" set - my view out the dining room window/front door
And just because she's so damn cute . . . a set of pictures dedicated to Blue, our cartoon kitty
In no particular order, these are some of my recent favorites:
Mmmmkay. Sorry:
I completely forgot we were going over to my brother-in-law's to BBQ tonight.
And by BBQ I mean "start the fire around 9pm" because *cue my aria* This Is What We Do Because This Is What We Always Do.
It's a McLaughlin thing and I totally Do Not Get It.
Dinner should be way over by 9pm and not just starting, but whatever.
The dude lives in Pismo and cooks a mean tri-tip. Who cares that we get to grubb'n around 11:00 at night?
Tomorrow I'ma have to hunt down Misti's "Knock Your Handknit Socks Off" peanut butter cookie recipe.
Y'all never did taste peanut butter in a cookie form like this before, I'm guessing.
Tomorrow is the *catch up* portion of this blog, and sorry for that.
And by BBQ I mean "start the fire around 9pm" because *cue my aria* This Is What We Do Because This Is What We Always Do.
It's a McLaughlin thing and I totally Do Not Get It.
Dinner should be way over by 9pm and not just starting, but whatever.
The dude lives in Pismo and cooks a mean tri-tip. Who cares that we get to grubb'n around 11:00 at night?
Tomorrow I'ma have to hunt down Misti's "Knock Your Handknit Socks Off" peanut butter cookie recipe.
Y'all never did taste peanut butter in a cookie form like this before, I'm guessing.
Tomorrow is the *catch up* portion of this blog, and sorry for that.
Friday, August 22, 2008
State of the Union Address:
The Mike and I have been bumming around today, and generally doing nothing.
I know. It's a tough life but somebody's got to live it :grin:
All the gas stations I've seen in SLO today (a Shell, a Flyers and another one I don't remember the name of) have been UNDER four dollars a gallon. You bet'cha I filled up. Tomorrow it could be $5.62 for all I know - the prices rise and fall that fast it seems like.
In a few we're heading out to Avila Beach to hit the town's weekly Farmer's Market.
I'll try and post some pictures later of my ravelympic WIPs to-date. I can hardly believe it myself, but I took out the temporary stitching holding my place for the sleeves on the pinwheel sweater and actually started knitting one of those puppies up. Yes, I did!
Also, I'll show some shots from Wednesday's "night at the movies" at Dolphin Cove. It was pretty cool to be watching a movie and to hear the ocean waves crashing and to glance up every so often to view the stars shining above us.
Toodles for now and catch you gators later.
I know. It's a tough life but somebody's got to live it :grin:
All the gas stations I've seen in SLO today (a Shell, a Flyers and another one I don't remember the name of) have been UNDER four dollars a gallon. You bet'cha I filled up. Tomorrow it could be $5.62 for all I know - the prices rise and fall that fast it seems like.
In a few we're heading out to Avila Beach to hit the town's weekly Farmer's Market.
I'll try and post some pictures later of my ravelympic WIPs to-date. I can hardly believe it myself, but I took out the temporary stitching holding my place for the sleeves on the pinwheel sweater and actually started knitting one of those puppies up. Yes, I did!
Also, I'll show some shots from Wednesday's "night at the movies" at Dolphin Cove. It was pretty cool to be watching a movie and to hear the ocean waves crashing and to glance up every so often to view the stars shining above us.
Toodles for now and catch you gators later.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hate to Love:
Is it weird that I love this person's designs but hate this person's blog?
Her designs are (to me, and trust you me I'm certainly no expert. Hell, I don't even play one on t.v.) fashion forward. Both slick and clean. LOVE her knitting stuff.
Her blog though? I find it hard to slog through. She (again, just to me and I'm less than a sub-par expert in such things) writes as if she holds a grudge against something/someone. She doesn't read like she's satisfied in any way with anything around her. Everyone but her and hers sucks on ice and it's all she can do to grit her teeth through every interaction with other humans.
Her designs must come from something. Wherever she's getting her inspiration? It's working for her. 99.9% of her stuff is home run material (again, with the *to me* caveat).
I have to figure out how to reconcile myself with the fact that I am more in love with her fresh, chic, clean patterns than I am in hate with her below-the-surface, making-fun-of-the-little-people drivel that eminates from her blog.
That woman can rock a knitting pattern.
Her designs are (to me, and trust you me I'm certainly no expert. Hell, I don't even play one on t.v.) fashion forward. Both slick and clean. LOVE her knitting stuff.
Her blog though? I find it hard to slog through. She (again, just to me and I'm less than a sub-par expert in such things) writes as if she holds a grudge against something/someone. She doesn't read like she's satisfied in any way with anything around her. Everyone but her and hers sucks on ice and it's all she can do to grit her teeth through every interaction with other humans.
Her designs must come from something. Wherever she's getting her inspiration? It's working for her. 99.9% of her stuff is home run material (again, with the *to me* caveat).
I have to figure out how to reconcile myself with the fact that I am more in love with her fresh, chic, clean patterns than I am in hate with her below-the-surface, making-fun-of-the-little-people drivel that eminates from her blog.
That woman can rock a knitting pattern.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Cherry On Top Part:
Last we talked, I was telling you about my excellent weekend and my equally perfect Monday . . .
Here's the cherry part!
Sheila called me and said she had an hour to kill in SLO and did I want to meet up with her? Well hells ya. Since I was already out and about and done with Laguna Lake park, she suggested we get together at the SLO Goodwill. Funny, I had driven by it earlier and thought to myself "self, we totally need to stop there on the way home and check out what might be available in the knitting-related catagory."
We met up and wandered in. After about 20 minutes, the only thing I'd picked up for purchase was a good-sized binder to store printed patterns in. There's an 'upper deck' kind of area that I thought had only clothes so I didn't plan on wandering up there . . . but Sheila went and I trailed behind. At the back is the book section and I NEVER pass up on books. Grabbed me one and kept moseying around. Sheila found an area that had sewing-related stuff and I spied a lone bag of yarn but after looking through it decided to pass.
There were all sorts of nooks and crannies and drawers that I would have never looked in or around but Sheila is totally the opposite. THANK GAWD! She opened a drawer of something and we found a bunch of paired knitting needles. Out of that bunch she scored a pretty wood set of size 6s or so. Everything else in the drawer was nothing special. The next drawer down? We hit the freak'n motherlode of fiber tools!!!

How much does a bag like that go for at the San Luis Goodwill? You ain't even gonna believe it.

Seven entire dollars and one quarter. That's it. People, I about passed out from glee.
We bought our booty and made a mad dash to our cars (crossing Lower Higuera is risky!) Immediately, we broke open the bag and started organizing.

(Yeah, I need to clean my car - tell me something I don't know)

My half above, and Sheila's half below:

Because I already own a very healthy supply of straight needles, Sheila got first dibs on anything she wanted in that arena. She gave me all the crochet hooks because she's got tons from her late grandmother's stash. She only wanted one of the circs, which left me owning the other 4 pair. She kept the sizing template (I already own two different ones) and she gave me all the *things* that we don't even know WHAT they are, lol.
*Things* like this thing:

What the hell IS that?
Outside of the elation of getting everything for such a cheap price, we really loved seeing all the different and neat things we scored. Stuff like this:

There are tons more pictures of everything here of course.
Truthfully - I'm still so jazzed over yesterday's find!
Despite that high there have been other activities going on around Casa De Crazy.

My first batch of cookies at the new place.

Still just the first one of my Ravelympic Socks for the Sock Put event. A few more rows and it's Kitchener time. Since I'll be in Kitchener mode, I'm going to finish my first sock from that delicious HazelKnits yarn I've been working on forever (seriously - forever people! It was half-way done at the WWKIP event and how long ago was that?)
Needless to say, no Kitchenering will be done if I spend even more time hanging out on the intronets so I gotta get to getting!
Ohhhh - and don't forget - tonight is the showing of Hitch at the Dolphin Bay in Shell Beach. Wahhhoooo :grin:
Here's the cherry part!
Sheila called me and said she had an hour to kill in SLO and did I want to meet up with her? Well hells ya. Since I was already out and about and done with Laguna Lake park, she suggested we get together at the SLO Goodwill. Funny, I had driven by it earlier and thought to myself "self, we totally need to stop there on the way home and check out what might be available in the knitting-related catagory."
We met up and wandered in. After about 20 minutes, the only thing I'd picked up for purchase was a good-sized binder to store printed patterns in. There's an 'upper deck' kind of area that I thought had only clothes so I didn't plan on wandering up there . . . but Sheila went and I trailed behind. At the back is the book section and I NEVER pass up on books. Grabbed me one and kept moseying around. Sheila found an area that had sewing-related stuff and I spied a lone bag of yarn but after looking through it decided to pass.
There were all sorts of nooks and crannies and drawers that I would have never looked in or around but Sheila is totally the opposite. THANK GAWD! She opened a drawer of something and we found a bunch of paired knitting needles. Out of that bunch she scored a pretty wood set of size 6s or so. Everything else in the drawer was nothing special. The next drawer down? We hit the freak'n motherlode of fiber tools!!!
How much does a bag like that go for at the San Luis Goodwill? You ain't even gonna believe it.
Seven entire dollars and one quarter. That's it. People, I about passed out from glee.
We bought our booty and made a mad dash to our cars (crossing Lower Higuera is risky!) Immediately, we broke open the bag and started organizing.
(Yeah, I need to clean my car - tell me something I don't know)
My half above, and Sheila's half below:
Because I already own a very healthy supply of straight needles, Sheila got first dibs on anything she wanted in that arena. She gave me all the crochet hooks because she's got tons from her late grandmother's stash. She only wanted one of the circs, which left me owning the other 4 pair. She kept the sizing template (I already own two different ones) and she gave me all the *things* that we don't even know WHAT they are, lol.
*Things* like this thing:
What the hell IS that?
Outside of the elation of getting everything for such a cheap price, we really loved seeing all the different and neat things we scored. Stuff like this:
There are tons more pictures of everything here of course.
Truthfully - I'm still so jazzed over yesterday's find!
Despite that high there have been other activities going on around Casa De Crazy.
My first batch of cookies at the new place.
Still just the first one of my Ravelympic Socks for the Sock Put event. A few more rows and it's Kitchener time. Since I'll be in Kitchener mode, I'm going to finish my first sock from that delicious HazelKnits yarn I've been working on forever (seriously - forever people! It was half-way done at the WWKIP event and how long ago was that?)
Needless to say, no Kitchenering will be done if I spend even more time hanging out on the intronets so I gotta get to getting!
Ohhhh - and don't forget - tonight is the showing of Hitch at the Dolphin Bay in Shell Beach. Wahhhoooo :grin:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Perfection With a Cherry On Top:
We survived the build-up to the party, the party itself and then the post-party decompensing.
What a blast!
The place was clean and looked fabu:

'Scilly was SO well-behaved and we were very proud of her:

Callie . . . not so much. It wasn't that she "misbehaved" but Lawdy that cat can be a nuisance!

When she wasn't glued on people's laps or draped around their necks, she would perch on Becca's knitting bag (more about Becca in a sec). That cat loves her some perching!
People actually showed up . . .

. . . and had themselves a good time.

(Sheila and two of her friends came over also, but I didn't get my camera out until after they had left)
The lady knitting is 'Becca on Ravelry. She took me up on my invite the other day and brought her man Bruce. They are such nice people and totally fun and funny. They fit right in and I'm so glad they made it down.
I doubt I'll ever get tired of hanging out with other knitters. They just 'get it', ya know?

Our Ravelympic sock entries

Her handknit shawl
Oh, and 'Becca? I took that page out of your book and had some of your cake for breakfast on Sunday, lol. It was gooooood! Thanks for making it and bringing it.
Sunday was filled with a whole lotta noth'n. Mike slept in VERY late and we both napped that afternoon. It was perfect.
Yesterday (Monday) I lollygagged around and then went to the post office in the afternoon. My big trip out of the house in several days, actually. I picked the post office on Madonna Road because it's right next to Laguna Lake and I wanted to take some pictures.
Hmm. I just found that link and look at their picture on there . . .

Looks an awful lot like the picture I snapped yesterday . . .

It was so peaceful there and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!

Lookie these people. They have a lake for a back yard. How cool is THAT?

Even the Fed Ex drivers 'round these parts have a great life:

Just as I was wrapping up my exhausting day of sitting and picture taking and enjoying the great outdoors . . .

. . . Sheila called and that's when the cherry plopped right on top of my already perfect time.
I'll tell y'all about it later. It's freak'n awesome.
What a blast!
The place was clean and looked fabu:
'Scilly was SO well-behaved and we were very proud of her:
Callie . . . not so much. It wasn't that she "misbehaved" but Lawdy that cat can be a nuisance!
When she wasn't glued on people's laps or draped around their necks, she would perch on Becca's knitting bag (more about Becca in a sec). That cat loves her some perching!
People actually showed up . . .
. . . and had themselves a good time.
(Sheila and two of her friends came over also, but I didn't get my camera out until after they had left)
The lady knitting is 'Becca on Ravelry. She took me up on my invite the other day and brought her man Bruce. They are such nice people and totally fun and funny. They fit right in and I'm so glad they made it down.
I doubt I'll ever get tired of hanging out with other knitters. They just 'get it', ya know?
Our Ravelympic sock entries
Her handknit shawl
Oh, and 'Becca? I took that page out of your book and had some of your cake for breakfast on Sunday, lol. It was gooooood! Thanks for making it and bringing it.
Sunday was filled with a whole lotta noth'n. Mike slept in VERY late and we both napped that afternoon. It was perfect.
Yesterday (Monday) I lollygagged around and then went to the post office in the afternoon. My big trip out of the house in several days, actually. I picked the post office on Madonna Road because it's right next to Laguna Lake and I wanted to take some pictures.
Hmm. I just found that link and look at their picture on there . . .
Looks an awful lot like the picture I snapped yesterday . . .
It was so peaceful there and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!
Lookie these people. They have a lake for a back yard. How cool is THAT?
Even the Fed Ex drivers 'round these parts have a great life:
Just as I was wrapping up my exhausting day of sitting and picture taking and enjoying the great outdoors . . .
. . . Sheila called and that's when the cherry plopped right on top of my already perfect time.
I'll tell y'all about it later. It's freak'n awesome.
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