Last Thursday I went to the SLO Farmer's Market with Mike and Sheila.
It was PACKED and my chief complaint is all the frigg'n stollers being pushed around in the crowds. Empty strollers, people. Little SUVs sans the urchins they are intended for. What the hell? Dogs on leashes aren't allowed but empty stroller after empty stroller rolls through taking up the limited space.
SLO's Thursday Farmer's Market is the biggest one in the area (that I know of) and thus the selection is awesome! We bought two large artichokes, three bunches of asparagus, 4 nectarines (from Fresno but those are Mike's and he doesn't even KNOW what a 'carbon footprint' is, let alone care about it), some more little tomatoes and a pound of some kind of green chili peppers. Mike bought a sugar-free pie but ate it the same night so I don't know the name of the vendor. Oh, and I almost forgot. My FAVORITE FAVORITE, a container of blood orange orange juice from Varian Farms. Holy moly it's delicious. Sweeeeeet, yeah, but with a touch of tart. YUM.
I ate some kind of indian-spiced vegetarian pie thing for dinner and then we sat at Firestone's Grill so Sheila and Mike could eat. I passed the time by casting on and knitting away on my second HazelKnits sock.
The next evening we hooked up with Mike's brother B and the girlfriend M and hit Cal Poly to fish at one of the ponds. It was so picturesque but I did cast my rod a few times before it got too dark. No bites outside of mosquitoes eating me alive! The picture of the clouds is courtesy of Mike. I was around the pond from everyone and I asked him to take a picture of the beautiful clouds. He took a picture and goofed it up.
Mike, having been raised in the tradition of the "this is how we do it because this is how we've always done it" mantra, wanted to go back to the same spot the next morning . . . so we did. Me, Mike and his buddy Scott.
We trudged up the effing hill and as the free roaming horses came into view I realized I had left my camera waaaaaaaay back down there in the truck.
You know I must be serious about this picture take'n stuff because I walked all the way back down and ALLLLL the way back up because of that damn camera. It was totally worth it though! I caught my first fish (but refused to touch it and Mike got mad at me, LOL) and the horses just walked right past us and into the pond for a drink and some splashing. It was awesome! Scott caught 2 fish and Mike? he caught ZERO. We all had a good laugh over that.
Mike wanted to go fishing again Sunday morning (earlier than we went on Saturday morning) so I woke my ass up at 5:30am to offer to go fishing - except I wasn't going back to the same pond. I wanted to go to Laguna Lake this time.
He said no.
That'll be the last time I offer to go fishing with him!
Since I was up that damn early, I decided to grab the camera and catch the sun rise. It was beautiful . . . until the fog rolled in.
Monday we did nothing that I remember.
Tuesday Mike said a repair guy (again!) was coming 'any time' that day so I stuck around the house. Dude never showed (again!)
Today I had no intention of sitting around waiting for flaky repair dudes, so I left the house at 8:20 this morning to hit the Grover Beach Farmer's Market. It's smaller than the SLO one, but bigger than the Avila Beach one. There was hardly anyone there, in comparison, and not one stroller! Score. I bought bell peppers for our stuffed bell peppers dinner tonight, 5 more green tomatoes (the last batch ripened faster than I could get to them so I only fried up two small ones and all that did was leave me with a bigger yen for them!), three ears of fresh corn from Hayashi's, 6 Granny Smith apples to make some more of these tasty babies, a fresh lemon and a mini loaf of banana nut breat from House of Bread.
After all that shopping I made my way home via Pismo Beach. Y'all know I can't get within spitting distance of the ocean without going to it, right?! This time I just lingered around the Pismo Creek and took a few pictures. it was VERY foggy, as you can see. My camera doesn't work well without natural sunlight so it was a bit tricky getting decent snaps, but I did manage a few.
Leaving Pismo, I took Price Canyon Road home and what the hay! I had to stop and snap a few more before turning into my driveway.
Oooohhh! The other thing I did (no pics though) was meet up with some knitters on Monday morning, near Avila. A very nice group of women and I will be going to their Monday gathering every Monday that I don't have a job. Yeah, that isn't helping with the job-mojo-motivation either, lemmetellya!
Upcoming: Hmmm. I don't think I really have anything planned this week outside of house chores. Still haven't finished my craft room . . . and I'm 70 % done with my two socks left on the needles. I've been itching to start my kitchen curtain project but I've resisted casting on as of yet. I have 95% of my second bath mat done, and there's a bit of work left on my log-cabin-inspired kitchen rug (but man I hate working with that thick cotton! It's a killer on my hands).
Until I figure out what's next, I'll be busy taking pictures like this:
It just never gets old!
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