Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just a Wee Tiny Taste:

I've been home from Stitches West for a few hours now and have been presently enjoying some serious *down time*. All that stimulation and acquisition and socialization is a bit overwhelming for this homebody.

If my butt weren't so whupped, you'd be reading about and viewing some absolutely DEE-EFF'N-LICIOUS yarn pr0n that was recently acquired. There would be pictures too! Some with a yarny focus and others with a scenery focus.

Not tonight.

Tonight, I have* flat feet and heavy lids.

Lemme just tell you though. What a kick-in-the-pants fun time KnittingSuzanne, and SisterDi and I had at this event.

I'm off to bed.

*Snoopy Dance! These are the flat feet I gushed about several posts ago. Flat feets? I HAS THEMS! Squee.

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