Thursday, June 19, 2008

Because Suzanne Told Me To:

Hey all - I *am* alive still.

This is the reason why all my time has been sucked away from blogging:

Noro Sock Yarn
purchased at Stitches West 2008

(same picture, just with fish-eye)

The pattern is something I *borrowed* based on the wildly (and for good reason!) popular Kauni yarn. The other day I did an interwebs search for the Kauni Cardi repeat pattern and found it EXACTLY, lickety-split. I printed it out and cast on last Sunday evening. That's all I've knitted in hours and hours and hours of after-work free time.

Weirdly, I just tried to re-find that search result and have completely wasted 45 minutes of my life! This isn't exactly what I found originally, but page 2 of this pdf is what I used.
So don't none of ya go stealing my idea until I get at least one of these babies done and posted up on ravelry! :grin: I was afraid to show it until I had at least one done, but Suzanne told me I should at least blog about it, lol.


Anonymous said...

April -

I bow in awe to you! Oh, Great One, may I touch your magical hands and your wonderous needles? I, lowly bumbling knitter that I am, can't even aspire to achieve even a milisecond of your accomplishment.

Hey, Kid, it's beautiful!!


Suzanne said...

Totally Awesome.

Lilacs 4 Angels said...


It is absolutely awe inspiring!

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!! that is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!

Finally someone has found something good to do with that Noro sock yarn....