Monday, August 25, 2008

This One's For My Friends:

For Danni:

It's just right down the road from my house and a very good reason for you to come visit "the Coast"!

For CJ:

Thanks for the tutorial on these babies! I love them.

For Suzanne:

You are a huge knitting inspiration and I think that if I didn't know you, these might never have gotten made (by me at least, lol)

For Ellen, SisterDi and ZubieJen:

Y'all have an open invitation to visit.

Sheila doesn't read my blog, so I'm not wasting time talking to her :grin:

I'm off to get my day started - some cleaning, some knitting, and definately some frying up of my green tomatoes!


Danni said...

I screamed out loud for Jeff to come read your post when I saw it. He laughs at me continuously about my TJ obsession and my letter writing campaign. Thanks for the laugh. I definately now have 2 good reasons to finally make a trip to the coast!

Suzanne said...

Wow, love all the pictures. I am definitely coming to visit.

Ellen Bloom said... tomatoes! I'll bet your T.J.'s on the Central Coast has fresher and better vegies than our T.J.'s does! There's so much agriculture up there! Lucky!