Sunday, October 17, 2010

Political Annoyances

I've been on twitter for a while now, and I started following our current president as soon as I signed up.

Like everyone else wanting change from the Same 'ol Same 'ol that we'd been suffering through, our vote counted and we created a fresh breeze to blow through the White House.

Or so I thought.

But as a person reading the tweets from our current president (but more likely someone appointed to tweet in his name), I am really fucking annoyed.

I voted for this guy to make change.

I voted for him based on his message of change and non-partisanship.

I planned on whole-heartedly supporting that platform.

A platform of Change and Non-Partisanship. That is the message I got the fuck behind.

I'm not a rube. I know it's a tough sell and that most everyone in power within the D.C. beltway is always scrambling to keep their own power/affiliation/elected appointment. This goes for both sides of the aisle. I think the phrase "both-partisan" should be as equally bandied about, since neither side is innocent of the behavior.

Here's the thing though. I didn't vote for Barack Obama because he's a democrat. I voted for him because he made me believe he was about turning this country around. I voted for him because he was selling a plan that would right what George Bush had wronged. Conversely, I wasn't against George Bush because he is a republican. I was (and still am) against George Bush because he was a puppet president. An entitled idiot that allowed other people to profit off a war, and at the same time allowed our country to tank.

And now we're at the point of this post.

I do not want my president (or his proxy) to tweet me about voting democratic. I want my goddamn president to be our president and focus on a picture bigger than partisan votes.

I want him to be Presidential and above the fray. I want him to delegate this piddly election bullshit to his underlings. In my estimation, all he has accomplished by tweeting about "voting party lines" is:

1) His head isn't in being my president. The job I, and some of you, elected him for.

2) He wasn't truthful in his original platform of non-partisanship.

So, in the end, after being privy to his tweets (and how stupid is it that people take to twitter for serious issues?) I'm disillusioned.

I want President Obama to lead my country and not be a first responder/panderer for democratic votes.

At election time, I will pick those I believe in. Some will have an (R) after their name and some will have a (D).

I honestly want OUR President to lead this country as we elected him to do. No more and no less and without ties to future or past puppet masters.

But with this presidency, I think I'm finally learning that us Americans have been duped by smoke and mirrors for years. Bigger names and bigger money are going on behind the scenes. They (Dems & Reps both) make the choice on who we pretend-elect into office, in order for us to have a false sense of say.

Ironic that this was the president I finally and truly believed in yet he's the president I became so disillusioned by.

Non-partisan my ass.

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