Sunday, September 30, 2007

Less Than Nine Hours Away:

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

I know I should go to bed already, because when The Mike wakes me up tomorrow there is gonna be a Rumble in the Household Jungle! (Apologies to Mssrs. Ali and Foreman)

His team (The Raiders . . . HATE THEM) is playing My team (The Dolphins . . . LOVE THEM!) at 10am on Sunday.

Eventually one day I'll tell three different stories.

Story 1 is where I very first met The Mike. He made me laugh immediately, then later he had to jump to my defense so I didn't get my shit-talking ass kicked by the non-musical Coast version of Eminen and his equally "Kim Mathers-like wife" ('scept only similar in the Trailery Trashery way and not the Young Hot Fake Blond way) . In the same night. Yeah really.

Story 2 is where we fast forward a FULL YEAR AND 3 MONTHS LATER to when we meet for the second time. There was some 'this is SO a set-up but we have to play it off' action on both sides, some bad dancing (mine) and some frank comments (his) on said bad dancing.

Third and final story is a two-parter and it includes football to bring us all to this point.

Oh yeah - that's right. My original point! Football.

Hi Ass Husband!
Love you.
Hope your team chokes.

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