But if there WAS - it would definately include a picture of our newest adoptee. See, we have five cats and two dogs. We didn't start out with five cats, believeyoume. I had ONE cat - Shadow. Then I acquired Callie from a roommate when I moved out. So there's two, and they were both mine pre-The Mike.
The Mike had Hunter (the black Lab) pre-me.
Before we moved to P(hell)ville we obtained 'Scilly the yellow Lab. So that meant we had two of each species. Plenty 'o furfaces for this duo.
Once we moved, a coworker told me about a litter of kittens from his property that were mama-less . . . confirmed since he found said mama dead. Sad.
Me + any animal + sad story to boot? = Big-Hearted Animal Lover to the rescue! (cue superhero theme song). I picked up The Mike for lunch that day, and without any discussion I drove straight to the vet hospital where these kittens were at. The Mike took one look at those cats and then at me and started the "oh hell no we are not getting a cat I don't care what sob story is attached to it we do not need another animal no way no how forgetaboutit!" speech.
Mmmhmm. Sure.
That's how we got the striped cat named Freckles Justice
About, ohhh, a year later, The Mike and I were in our front yard - him futzing with his quad and me probably taking pictures of our cats. Unbeknownst to me, two little girls from (yep, but we didn't know it at the time) Casa De Molester pitched a little baby kitty into our yard. Mike saw it go down and got my attention.
I scooped that cat up and went charging down the street. The 'female of the house' was outside so I asked her where this cat came from and why it was pitched onto our property. She said the girls had taken it 'from some yard' and were instructed by her to go 'put it back'. Stupid ass girls didn't put it back from whence it came. OH NO! They didn't *remember* where they got it from.
I went to several houses near them and no luck. I brought it back to our yard and The Mike starts in with the "hell no we are not keeping it don't look at me like that no way forget about it AJ be mad all you want WE ARE NOT KEEPING THAT CAT!" He even revved his quad several times to scare it away.
That night, he woke up to Josie Pau Pau sleeping on his head.
See who wears the cat pants in this house?
That'd be ME.
If you're counting along, we are now up to four cats and two dogs.
'Bout another, ohhh, year goes by. The Mike calls me at work and tells me to go to the construction job he's at and 'to bring a box'. Mmmmkay . . .
Seems some little dirty and bedraggled kitty had attached itself to Mike's foot and couldn't be run off by the loud power tools and mean anti-cat coworkers of his. Mike couldn't just let it 'be', so . . .
That's how we got a female cat named after an ex-coach of The Raiders . . . go figure.
Five is PLENTY 'O CAT for this household, to be sure.
Several months ago, Callie (the inherited one) began 'leaving her mark' on anything of The Mike's laying around . . . things like his shoes or his side of the bed . . . you know - things. In order to not come home to a cat hanging from a noose one day, Callie was relegated to being 85% outdoors and indoors only with strict monitoring. (Both Shadow and Callie prefer the outdoors most of the time so don't think we just throw out cats out and slam the door on their little kitty-whiskered faces!)
Due to the fact that (like most living creatures) the 'mostly outdoors' cats still need to eat, we feed them outdoors.
Them and every other cat for a 10 block radius apparently.
Out of nowhere the other day, The Mike starts talking in nice terms about one of these 'other' cats. First it started with "do you think we should catch it and make sure it's collar isn't too tight?" which eventually became "I wonder who's cat that is". All these 'not our' cats are skittish and skedaddle when we show up (I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that we're running towards them, waving our arms wildly above our heads and shouting things like 'GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE' and 'ROOOOAAAAARRRRRR'. I wonder why they don't like us, lol!)
The other morning I go outside to have coffee with The Husband before work and he tells me that the cat's collar is off and he's petted the cat.
This cat has now been named and allowed in our house for short periods.
The Mike: "This cat is solid grey - no markings or anything".
Me: "Mmmhmmm" (not paying attention)
The Mike: "His coloring is really cool - just solid grey".
Me: Doesn't even bother pretending to listen.
Him: "We're going to name him Blue".
Me: "Are you insane? We're going to name a GREY cat BLUE?"
So now we kinda half-adopted a strange grey cat and call her (he is a she we know now) Blue.
Just so The Mike can quote the line from 'Old School'.
To a girl cat, people! My husband is a nutball. Seriously.
I've taken several pictures of this cat and will get them up here this weekend. We think the cat's *whispers behind hand* not all there, if you know what I mean. It's cross-eyed, which definately helps to believe it's slightly 'touched', but you gotta see this thing in action. She looks like a cartoon rendering of a cat and I ain't even kidding you. She 'wags' her tail almost like a dog too, it's a hoot! You'll see.
Until then, I leave you with this for today's laugh:
Now, when you're KIPping (Knitting In Public for you non-knitterly folks) no one will bug you with their obligatory 'Oh, I could do that too, I just don't have the patience/time/whatever'.
No one messes with prison bitches holding pointy sticks!
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