Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Serious City:

Things have taken a bad turn, here at Casa de Furfaces.

Hunter (the black Lab Mike has had for about 10 years, and well before he knew me - the one he got from Wood's Humane Society when he was a little lump of wee black fur) has been having back rightleg problems for the last month or so. We figured hip dysplasia (sp?) which is common in his and other breeds. The vet has given us medications and signs to watch for.

All of a sudden, BLAM! tonight, it's gotten REALLY bad. Bad like he is not able to keep his foot extended in order to walk on his pads. His foot is curled under and he can't walk like that.

Tomorrow I'll be calling the vet about him.

Shadow (my cat before The Mike - my cat I've had since she was a little teeny tiny fluffball and she would sleep curled next to me under the covers and I'd do the maternal *roll over in my sleep but still be awake enough to move her with me so as not to smoosh her* - that one). Something is seriously not right with her either.

Mike noticed pinkish liquid in a bathroom sink over the weekend and we couldn't figure out what the hell it was about. Rusty pipes? Our house is relatively old so it's a possibility. Then it happened again the next day. What the hell?! He noticed there were some Advil (I think it's Advil or Ibuprofin? The kinda orangy pills you take for headaches? Those things) were laying on the counter next to the sink. Obviously one of the cats was on the bathroom counter (BAD KITTIES! They know they are not allowed on counters) and must've knocked one of the Advil into the sink and the sink must've had some residual water pooled in the basin. Melted rust-colored Advil = pinkish liquid. He gathered up the remaining Advils and put them away.

Tonight there was more pinkish liquid in the sink.

There are no Advil now and we do not have rusty pipes.

Something is wrong with Shadow.

Ayup. I definately need to call Dr. VetMan in the morning and find out what to do.

This sucks.


Having pets is like having kids or spouses though - you just never know what you're going to get and if you really want them then you suck it up and deal with whatever happens.

Who else do your animals have to count on, seriously?


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm sending bestest wishes and prayers your way.

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of good thoughts to the fur-babies. We're having the same sort of issues with our Cocker Spaniel (Corky) who's lost about 20 lbs in the last 6 weeks. A vet trip is in order for him as well. Good luck. Keep us informed.