Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Knitter Has Landed:

I landed a bit ago, but time got away from me while I visited with my best friend Sheila and her really good friend (and roommate now) Darcy.

It's so nice to be *home*. Not just my hometown area though. To be with my best friend and to pretend I don't have a care in the world at the moment.

This is the life I had before moving to Porterville and I miss it terribly.

I need to hit the hay so I can be ready for all of tomorrow's activities.

There *should* be some bison (or buffalo? Not sure yet, but I'll find out exactly) viewing, and some definate beach sitt'n and knitt'n time is on the itinerary.

I'm so happy to be back right now, y'all don't even KNOW!

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