Friday, March 7, 2008

Knitting Hates Me:

Exhibit 1A: Those are not long-assed Addi Turbo needles.

Exhibit 1B: This *is* a long-assed Addi Turbo needle.

Exhibit 1C: Same long-assed Addi Turbos.


Due to the fact I knitted on this sock . . . with long-assed Addi Turbo needles . . . while I was getting serviced at the bank for work today, coupled with the fact that the entire project stayed in my car until I got home and started back in on it . . . it wasn't the cats.

I think the cable got kinked and kind of exploded.


Turns out, the only other size two dpns I have are bamboo. 4 bamboo needles x 200 yds of this yarn = 1 sucktacular knitting experience.

I have 3 sets of size ones and two sets of size threes in metal dpns.

So. I could just shrug my shoulders, change needles up or down one size and continue on. I could frog what I've done so far and restart on size ones or threes, but I've already frogged a sock from this yarn. Like an 'almost entire' sock. That one was too small for any adult human foot I'm related to, and way too big for the youngest member of the extended family.

Or, I can just soldier on using needles that grab the yarn and make it less fun to knit, and thus walk head-on into the Second Sock Syndrome wall.

G r r r r r.

Remind me again why I keep saying I love knitting so much?

Meanwhile! On the other side of the World . . .

Tomorrow is the March meetup of the Bakersfield ravelers. This time I am sharing a ride with a real live 'lives in my zip code' knitter that I've never met before! Hmmm. actually, I've never met ANY knitters in my zip code, so any one of them would be new to me, lol.

Thanks to ravelry, I keep meeting knitter after knitter in this area. For the last three years, Yahoo groups and and the yarn shop :eyeroll: in my town couldn't do what ravelry did in a few short months.

Is it possible that I really only love everything about knitting but the actual knitting itself?

Lemme just eat a few more of these while I ponder this whole "I love knitting" thing.

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