Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bouncing Up and Down:

Jollyewe landed back in the States today, after spending a week on a sock-knitting cruise with Amy Singer and her husband. Jollyewe's husband. Not Amy Singer's husband. Just to clarify. I dunno what Amy Singer's husband did this last week.

The day before she left, I asked her if there was a chance she would come back from this excursion just sick of knitting. She gave me a wide grin as she responded "No Way".

I know what she was saying. "Sick of The Knitting? Knitta Please." That ain't gonna happen, No Way and No How.

As I kept updating my bloglines roll-call this last week, I paid special attention to the Knitty Blog and the the Jollyewe Blog. DANG! Nothing.

This has been reminding me of when Suzanne (KnittingSuzanne of came home from Sock Camp 2008 a few weeks ago.

Here's the thing I keep realizing from my fellow knitters: we are just so stoked when a friend goes and does some kick-assed awesome event.

Suzanne with her Sock Camp and Carolyn with her Sock Cruise.

I'm so happy for you guys (insert 'bouncing up and down excitement!)

Thank you Without it I woulda never met you two fantabulous chicks.

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