Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ravelry is My Crack:

This may be old news to you folks but I had an honest "light bulb" moment this weekend as it pertains to ravelry.

You know how over in ravelryworld you can list the books you own in the library section? And all your magazines too? You can. Go check it out if'n you didn't get that far.

Back? Mm'kay good.

I've been using those features here and there - when I buy another book at Borders during my every-other-Thursday Visalia meetup that bad boy gets listed in my ravelry library.

My magazines, I never gave much thought to. I got me a ton of them even though they're mostly from 2005 and forward. I thumb through them on occasion but I haven't really catalogued each and every pattern. When I'm hankering for sock satisfaction I have no idea if my Vogue Winter 05/06 has any in there. Ditto for my IK Spring 2005 or 2006 or 2007 or 2008. No idea. I've tried the "post it note" method but it's as reliable as my "blog every day" plan . . . you know what I'm saying.

The other day I realized that ravelry has a metric-assload of magazine data. You pull up a magazine they have in the data vault and you can see every pattern from that issue. Don't believe me? Go look at the page for Interweave Knit's Winter 2007. Ayup. They be there.

I've been spending a goodly amount of time this last holiday weekend perusing some of the magazine issues but it wasn't until late last night I had my AHA moment.

Instead of GUESSING which of these magazines I might own I need to freak'n go through them and put them in my library once and for all.


Have y'all figured out yet that I'm a slow learner? To quote Eweology, from my Yarn Maven's group, I not only ride the short bus, I also lick its windows. Just say'n.

Today after work, I invested all of half an hour and put in each and every magazine that I own (and that ravelry has on record - one of its kinks is that not every magazine is in there yet and you can't add anything it doesn't already have but in the grand scheme of things? No problem.).

Then, here's the next level of beauty about ravelry and magazines . . . you can peruse (via ravelry) every magazine you own and queue up anything that tickles your fancy.

Right now I'm on a sock kick (as evidenced by my ravelry queue-crazyness) and good lordy I had no idea how many sock patterns were hidden away in all these magazines I already own.

So consider yourself smarter for my stupidity. I give you this information that probably several of you already knew. All I can say is . . . WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?

I love ravelry so very much. It's brought me friends and knowledge and organization and other interests like picture tak'n and podcastery and and and.

Ravelry is my crack and I love it so.

*and it's not really crack and I don't intend mockery at those that really suffer from addiction but lordy ravelry is an exciting fiber-related high*

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