Saturday, November 17, 2007

Quick Stuff Including SEX:

LOL - made ya look!

My knitta sistahs know that S.E.X. does not mean the exchange of body fluids.

It's all about the Stash Enhancement Experiences!

It's too bad I didn't know about this until today, but Creekside Yarns in Three Rivers had a kick-fucking-ass sale and just ended.

The sale was 35% to 100% off of your total purchase.

Ayup. 100%. FREE YARN, PEOPLE!

The owner hung paper stars from the ceiling and each star had a "% off" amount hidden inside. One of the stars was designated 100%. How cool is THAT?? There was only one and it had been picked yesterday. What a lucky duck!

I didn't even freak'n know there was a sale going on so it was a doubly good event.

Anywhoo . . .

The Bass club has a tourney going on over at Lake Kaweah* this weekend and since I run the club's blog, I needed to be in attendance at weigh-in at 1pm. The yarn store is just another few miles past weigh-in so I scheduled for that.

Tomorrow I'll take some pictures of the haul and throw them up. I scored, dudes. Laceweight, Tofutsies, some gorgy Misti Alpaca. It's beeee-utiful yummy stuff and definately pr0n worthy. Yeah, that's some good stuff, lemme tell ya! And The Mike picked me a 35% discount star.

(Funny side story: There were two other knitters in the store with us, excluding the owner, and he said "this place looks like your yarn room at home". As in "you already own too much yarn so why are we here?" looking for sympathy. The two women chuckled *at* him and definately not *with* him. I looked over at him and said "Honey. Please. These people are NOT your audience if you are looking for pity. They will be completely on my side." The older lady said something along the lines of 'you should see my stash!' and the other woman said something like 'good for her having a nice yarn room!' He was most definately among *my* people and in waaaay over his head, lol.)

After the yarn store visit, and the 1st day weigh-in we headed to Visalia to check on my stitch markers being sold at Rococo Beads on Main Street. No sales this time. Bummer since that's my crafting slush-fund. It didn't stop me from though.

Next we hit Joann's so I could get some material to line the scarf I'm working on now. I have pictures of the WIP and they'll get up here and to ravelry tomorrow. It's entrelac and personally? I think entrelac has THE ugliest 'wrong side' so I'm lining it.

After a quick bite at Baja Fresh (and yes, for the most part I loathe chain restaurants and am SO sick of Mexican food, but Baja Fresh is pretty good, IMO) we moseyed on back home.

So that's the (not at all) quick post on my raw unadulterated SEX'n.

Second item(s):

Freckles is the one peeing blood. I stone-cold busted her last night around 8:15pm. Well after the Vet office was closed unfortunately, and their message said they were not open today. Bummer that. First thing Mon-dee I'll be calling to get an appointment.

Hunter is still doing well, comparatively. He's never going to be 100%, but he's bounced back from his bad episode.

We had to take ANOTHER FUCKING ABANDONED dog to animal control yesterday.

That's two since 4th of July.

I hate this ghetto fucking town. It is just so depressing. Between the graffiti and the vandalism and the boom-boom-boom of stereos and the animals thrown in our yard and the people being shot while at the store and the local lake debaucle and and and, I don't even like leaving my house.

My town is on the short-track to becoming Fresno or parts of Los Angeles. Just fucking ghet-to.

No amount of yummy yarn buys is gonna make it better, and no amount of 'getting involved' seems to help either, 'cuz trustyoume, I have done both to no avail.

*Kaweah. Did I spell that right? I'm not from here so I hope any locals set me straight if I'm wrong 'cuz believeyoume, I'd totally let you know that it's not San "Looie" Obispo but San "LEWIS" Obispo if I heard y'all say that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You spelled it right sister..Kaweah. You part Indian or something (that's native American, not dot on forehead)

Good luck at the Vet tomorrow! I absolutely hate the way people treat their animals here. I know that in SLO folks seem way more pet friendly....I think it's the level of education.