Monday, November 12, 2007

Chatty Chatterton. Expect Frank Talk:

Sorry all. When I created my bloggity blog, I wanted to write every day/every other day and I haven't stuck to my personal plan.


There are several blogs I LOVE reading and when they take a few days off, I get the hibby hibby shakes. Yarn Harlot. Crazy Aunt Purl. Knit & Tonic (until she had a *Muggles* breakdown). Rabbitch. Jollyewe ('kay she hardly ever updates but I'm still like a rat on crack, hitt'n the *refresh* button on bloglines!) Knit with Snot (I love you HollyB), Socks in the City.

These are the ones that make me stop in my tracks when they finally update, but trustyoume, I have 2,789 UNREAD blog posts. Embarrassing! Jollyewe (the devil) put the bloglines needle in my vein (don'tcha know the first *hit* is free from your local neighborhood blog pusher?) .

I envisioned myself as a blogging fool. Words? I gots lots of them. Thoughts? They drive my brain kee-razy!.

Blogging would be the way to get all my kooky krazy thoughts out so as not to continue driving The Mike crazy. He hates to think and he hates to communicate. Did I mention he's a guy? Ayup. If you marry a stereotypical dude, you stereotypically don't get thought and communication.


But really, in my house? Perception isn't reality - stereotype is reality.

So, with all that said, I'm surprised myself that I haven't been bloggity blogging more.

A small part has been run-of-the-mill mundane-ity. Work happens every day, and DirecTV needs their ass kicked on a daily basis. Dogs and cats not only need fed, they need love and coddling. DAMN THEM IN THEIR ADORABLENESS! Lime & Violet podcasts need to be caught up on (and I'm only on #38 but still feel like I've climbed Mount L&V Everest!). Feeding the Hub on his 2 hour schedule. Knitting. I knit like an purger pukes . . . like an OCD unplugs the coffee maker . . . like a trichotillomaniac plucks their hair**.

And ravelry. *sigh*

Ravelry, how do I love thee? Let me count the patterns.


In all honesty, I've spent the weekend putting out fires on one level and probably creating fires on another. If you're a part of ravelry, you can do a search for CFBC in the group area and two groups show up - mine and Tana's. My group is subtitled "Say No To Babies". We were the first Childfree group on ravelry. Because I'm the 'say it like it is' chick, my group is geared towards 'say it like it is'. Shocker, I know.

Someone at ravelry that felt equally strong in her Childfreedom but felt Say No was too harsh for her interest started her own group. Both of our groups are thriving and while there was a time where she wanted to distance herself from Say No, we ended up agreeing our different groups compliment each other.

And then Say No became the Nazi party of ravelry.

I don't pretend to not know where it comes from. My group is allowed to speak in VERY frank terms. Terms that would make the stereotypical parent go ballistic. I know this.

We talk trash and I have no problem with that.

There's a backstory though, that the average raveler doesn't know.

When Say No was created, I was (and still am) adament that all 'not safe for everyone' comments/pictures/opinions/terms need to be under the umbrella of DO NOT ENTER if you might possibly, (even a whiff) be offended.

See, remember, I'm a Mod of a place ( that I can't see questionable content while at work, so it damn well better be under a modesty umbrella. Period.

Say No over at ravelry was created in July. My expections of the members were absolutely adhered to.

A few weeks ago, Casey (if you know ravelry, you know Casey) changed the format and now you can click on any member's posts without all the umbrellas of modesty.

Lordylordylordy did the shit hit the Say No fan.

I completely understand that no one should eveh have to go somewhere and be slapped in the face. Using the term 'fuck trophy' or 'crotch dropping' to describe a kid is understandably a slap in the face of someone not expecting it. I say this in more hard-core childfree venues, but never would I walk into a Stitch 'n Bitch or family reunion and utter those words. I know my audience and the average knitter is NOT my childfree audience. DUH.


Unfortunately, ravelry changed up the rules without warning to the general membership or Say No. Now some of my members, and me, look like complete assholes just because of some code changes on ravelry.

Under my, or anyone else's, name, you can click on every post ever made by that member. Not bad, right? I agree. You feel a kindred spirit with a poster so you click that 'xxx posts' under their name.


That person that you felt sympatico with calls kids 'yard apes'. Yep. They really do. Maybe they call people who crochet something else. Maybe they make fun of singletons or possibly make fun of the creepiness of holy matrimony. How many blonde jokes, jewish jokes, man jokes, crime jokes do you know? That person you felt a kinship with might have said those offensive things.

They probably said them under the Modesty Umbrella.

Regardless? They said them. I said them. I still say them.

For as long as parents mollycoddle their Bratleighs and Snotsdons, I will say this.

Keep making fun of us left-hander blondies . . . it cracks our asses UP!


On a serious note:

Kalamzoo Mommy Knits has participated in a Pay It Forward exchange.

She will send handmade gifts to the first three persons that sign up on her blog. All she asks it that those first three people take it to their own blogs.

So, for me, bring it on! The first three will get handmade items.

Here's the game:

I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

What an exchange - you say HEY here and bring it to your own blog.

I don't know her and she doesn't know me. We just both agree on the concept.

Chatty Chatterton frigg'n OUT!


Anonymous said...

That Raverly stuff sucks!! I wasn't even aware of that radar thing or the clicking on the xxx posts thing until I went back to get caught up on the groups......what a friggin mess!!

I'm sure it will die off when all the drama queens find some other body to dig up and kick around.

We're like the Britney Spears of Ravelry......we just need to find our Lindsay Lohan to get drunk and take the focus off of us!! (sad that I know that much about pop culture??)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, April!! I thought this was the coolest idea and a great way to pass on the knitterly goodness and connect with other knitters that you might not have otherwise connected with. You get something from someone you don't know and you get to give people you don't know something from your heart...or at least your needles...LOL
I'm so glad you've decided to befriend me, how fun it's been so far. I love your blog and how open and honest you are about your feelings. We may not agree about everything, but I love and respect the fact that you don't try to pretend you're someone that you're not who pretends to believe something that you don't. Rock on!!