Monday, July 14, 2008

CJ - You Ain't Gonna Believe This!:

Guess what I just found out!!

Go on . . . guess!

Ahh, you'll never guess this one, I'm pretty sure.

The Central Coast has it's own roller derby.

Girl, you better come on over in October and go with me to the free game at Santa Rosa Park!!

I couldn't believe it, but it's true.

There's even an "April" Fool

and a "CJ" Hook-her

Gotta love some of these names!

Berta the Hurta

Lacy Thunderware

I'm pretty sure this is the one that The Mike would root for:

And this one?

I think that's A MAN, baby!

Whaddya say? Up for this?


InkyW said...

hey it's hipper here than you think, hahaha. we plan to check it out come october. our next plan is to learn swing dancing!

Anonymous said...

SWEET!!!! I'm so there.