Given that it's been awhile since I've bogged down a post with a bunch of gratuitous pictures, I decided it's time once again for a pictorial montage.
First up is a sunset enhanced by the fires to the West of me, taken several days ago.
Another sunset, days later. You can see the difference.
This is 'Scilly on July 3rd, checking out the entirely cat-centric living room. Call me kee-razy, but I think she was a bit miffed by all the cat stuff.
Eventually, I had to give her a doggy bone to keep her from trying to break out of her confined area. She wasn't complaining.
I've definately been taking pictures. My subjects are quite bored with being the focus.
This one's so bored, she couldn't contain her yawn in my direction.
I've spent an ungodly amount of time taking pictures of the fur-kids. Come on though. With faces like this, could you resist? I sure can't!
That there is pure sweetness.
Just in case y'all thought I'd completely given up the knitting ghost, here's proof I've been working away on that "Log Cabin-Inspired" rug for my new kitchen. That's one of my dinner plates I'm drawing from. Told ya the blue was too light.
Here's a bit of progress from a few days ago. There's more progress since, but not alot. Garter stitch is frigg'n TEDIOUS people. Looks like I'll be in P'ville until Sunday afternoon. The place we're moving into is still being worked on feverishly and The Mike says there is still alot left to do . . . floors, master bathroom plumbing, clearing out the garage of all the old appliances, etc.
That's actually a good thing. Mike isn't coming over until Saturday mid-afternoon, which gives me another evening and morning to finish up my end. Lemme tell ya. I've been lazy on my part. It's so dang hot that when I get home in the evenings the last thing I want to do is hustle around and pack and organize. No sirree. I want to plop down with an enormous iced tea and lounge. Lazyass lay around and do nothing. It's too damn hot.
Also, last night I went to my last City Council meeting and said goodbye to the mayor and the city councilmen and Police Chief McMillan and to the city manager (John Lollis - not that do-nothing John Longley!) and tomorrow night I'm going to Visalia to hang with my fellow knittas Suzanne, CJ and Diana, among others for the last time (in a good long while).
So I leave you for now, to go listen to Lime & Violet's latest podcast and to hit the hay for a full day tomorrow.
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