A while back I ran across this website - Sweaterscapes.com. They certainly have some interesting designs.
Personally, I wouldn't wear a sweater that *busy*. My apparel is pretty bland - sometimes some wording on a shirt or sweatshirt, but nothing like this stuff. From a knitter's perspective though, I admit they intrigue me.
At the time I originally saw that website months and months (and possibly a few years ago? Can't remember for sure), either they didn't have sock patterns then, or (more likely) I didn't know how to knit socks so I didn't notice them if they did.
Now? Now I really really like the idea of this design element but as socks! My sock wearing is predominantly the 'kick around the house' kind. If I had socks such as these on my feet, I think I'd just sit around gazing at my lower extremities instead of accomplishing things around the house!
The sock designs
Anywho - it's FRIDAY and normally that would consist of dinner out with our fishing friends, but not lately. Tonight and tomorrow morning, I have to finish packing up the last of the last of it all. Mike's coming tomorrow afternoon (while I'm in Bakersfield with my Yarn Mavens for the last time in a good long while) and he's taking another load over to the Coast on Sunday.
So far, the bulk of my stash has been with me, and it's been comforting having it here. Sunday we part ways for an entire week and that means I'll only have one or two projects. It's a great way to keep me loyal and steady on the path of finishing them though!
I still have my beautiful HazelKnits sock on the needles and a second one to go as well. Also, the Log Cabin-inspired rug is coming along nicely, but it's just going to get bigger and bigger so it'll be knitted on most of next week too.
Just remember - this time next week? I'll be done with my old job and one night away from living back at my home town. YIPPIEEE!!
Hope y'all have a great weekend!
April, will you be at Borders on Thursday night? At least I'll be able to see you before you go. Please let me know...Diana
I certainly will be there. There's no way I wouldn't do a last Hurrah with my Visalia (and Corcoran) knitting buddies.
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