Man, man oh man I love me the internet. It is such a privilege to have one hectarsquajillion delectameters of information at our fingertips. How else would I have learned the term hectarsquajillion? See how everlov'n useful it is?
Sometimes, Al Gore's creation backfires though, and it's helpfulness gets your ass thrown in the pokey. Just say'n. Be careful what truths you seek if you don't want them seen!
So anywho - I was perusing the Wiki stuff (and you know if it's on Wiki it's true, right? *end tongue in cheek). Yet again, I am blown away with how little I really know. I know 'of' the 7 deadly sins, and I'm aware of the terms 'venial'and 'mortal' and 'Latin' and Dante's Divine Comedy. I ain't a damndummy, that's for sure . . . but every day I learn how much I've never really learned. For instance, I had NO CLUE that the 7 deadly sins are considered to have seven corresponding virtues.
Who knew?
You did.
Well why the heck didn't you ever tell me?
Back to my original original topic - the 7 Deadly Sins:
I'm guilty of all of them at one time or another during any given day. Luckily, I have to work full-time so it's nigh' on impossible to give in to them every time they pop up.
Lust - While I'd like y'all to think that Matthew McConaughey's abdominal region is my single source of lust . . . it isn't. Oh, it's definately up there, but I'd take 100% cashmere yarn each time it was offered.
Gluttony - one of the ways to commit gluttony is to eat too eagerly - ardently, if you will. My scarfing skills would surprise alot of Fastest Eater contestants. When it's good, or I'm starved, gone in 5 minutes tops. That's not good.
Greed - Ever heard of a yarn stash? I has one. It's not enough. It might never be enough. Choir. Preaching.
Sloth - Is it wrong that I'm contemplating breaking my other foot so as I can enjoy a little more 'sit my ass down and knit while The Hub finally does some damn chores around here' time? Just a teeny tiny bit more time? Is that really so wrong?
Wrath - Oh, y'all don't even know. Of them all, this is probably my real, not josh'n, vice.
Envy - Jollyewe is in Pismo Beach right now. During the week! I hope she enjoys her much needed down time, that devilwoman.
Pride - Maybe if I had some I'd rethink this post, lol! Instead of Pride, I think I'm more guilty of schadenfreude. I was just given an easy peasy salmon recipe from someone. Salmon is a huge favorite of mine and one of the lone things that Mr. Gourmand (previously known as The Mike) hates with a fiery red-hot passion. SCORE! His misfortune + my pleasure = schadenfreude.
Holy crap! This is supposed to contain knitting, isn't it?! Come see me later, Gater and there will be a very boring WIP of the same project still on my needles.
HINT: Entrelac in Blues. Ayup. I'm knitting blue. It's what I do.
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