Sunday, January 20, 2008

Next Stop, Tehachapi:

Every time I think there can't POSSIBLY be anything *new* to come out in the knitting world anymore, I get knocked on my naive ass.

Cases in point:

Cat Bordhi reinvents 'sockitecture' in her latest book. A whole 'nutha way to look at sock knitting.

Annie Modesitt's Flipknits books. Those cartoon drawing books from our childhoods are now live action knitting instructions.

Let's not forget! 'Nuff said.

Just when I thought "that's it. There's nothing left. Knitting creativity will now start the whole 'everything old is new again' cycle and fun fur is just around the corner", I caught up on my daily Chum, via Lime & Violet.

I about fell over when I read this post, called "Flat Feet". Go check it out! I'll be right here waiting to see your reaction.


What the hell? How neato is THAT?

Sock yarn. Knit into a hugeass swatch. Then dyed. Then sold to be knitted directly from samesaid hugeass swatch.

That's the *yarn*, people!


After some digging around Conjoined Creations website, I see the only place to get this fabu item is via brick & mortars. Living in Podunkville, it's a given that travel will have to be undertaken to get to wherever this is.

So. My next road trip will be off to the big bad metropolis of Tehachapi!

While I'm gone, I leave your reeling mind with kblicious' blog post about it.

(And you just gotta know my town is the size of a postage stamp if Tehachapi is the next closest 'big' city, lol)

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