Sunday, January 20, 2008

Funniest. Blogpost. Ever. EVER!:

If you haven't seen the Yarn Harlot's most recent post,
please to be reading it now!

Those pictures, with her writing from the point of the view of the cat?

Thank gawd nature had called before I read that.

Whenever I need a little reassurance that I'm not the only crazy lady taking pictures and blogging about cats, I will revisit this post.

And can I just point out that I have *ahem* yet *ahem* to use my camera in the bathroom!

I just had to share this - off to look at a bunch of no-fish-catch'n stinky fishermen.

Stay tuned for either the world's smallest Bass to win a tournament, or a picture of an empty scale. Latest word from the lake is 'not good'.

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