Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 6 of 365:

Yes. That is what it looks like.
Oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd!
I'm standing on my freak'n foot, without crutches.
Oh happy day.

(backstory: I've used my moon boot re-frigg'n-ligiously. Several years ago, my best friend re-ripped her Achilles tendon because she wouldn't use her 1/2 cast and I knew I didn't want to go through what she did. I sleep in the damn thing and only take it off when I'm resting on the couch or taking a shower. That's IT and looks like it's paid off! Can you tell I'm SOFA KING happy?)

1 comment:

Lil Knitter said...

Oh my awesome for you. I've been there and I feel your pain.