Saturday, July 19, 2008


Holy crap! I'm completely free from work. Since my replacement worked Thursday and Friday full days with me, I couldn't sit at my computer to finish up one last financial report I needed to get done, so I went in this afternoon for an hour and whipped it out.

I also emailed myself all the knitting patterns I had downloaded to my work computer :wink:

The last time I did not have a job to go to was back in about 1988. Hoo boy that was a long time ago.

It's all still sinking in. Unemployment, moving, getting back "home" finally.

Looks like the move won't be until this coming Tuesday. The house at the Coast is still being worked on, and the floors won't be finished until probably Monday. Mike's been there every day at some point, doing something around the place. Today he told me he was in the attic, making the electrical box for our living room light fixture/fan, and when he crawled back to the attic entrance, he put his knee through one of the bathroom ceilings. Now that needs to be fixed. I swear. Mike is like the proverbial bull in a China shop. He's broken so many things around our house due to his ham-hands and brute strength.

So. I'm completely free for the next few days (outside of packing up the little bit left) and I'm left wondering what the hell I'm going to do with myself. Porterville doesn't have much in the way of entertainment, and it's so damn hot outside that sitting in a park is not enjoyable, let alone sitting and knitting there with wool or heavy cotton on my lap.

I do think that Monday I'm going to go to the movies. I believe I shall just go to whichever one opens first, and then go from movie to movie (paying, of course!) until the afternoon. My hope is that it'll be empty for the most part - being a Monday and after the weekend rush of juvenile delinquents. The last time I was in a movie theater was October 12, 2004. We say Friday Night Lights and hand-to-heart the entire movie room was empty save for the two of us. We've never gone back since, thinking that was our one lucky time and we don't want to press it, lol.

All my sewing stuff is at the Coast, but I do have plenty of knitting action if I want it. Don't tell Mike, but I stocked up on almost all the cotton at Town & Country Drug the other day. Who knows if I could've found it again at that price!! Y'all know what I'm talking about.

Today, now that the rest of it is mine and mine alone, I have big plans for a glass or two of wine, some more home decorating knitting, listening to podcasts and breathing in and out. Yep. That's about it.



Suzanne said...

I'm green with envy.

InkyW said...

Congrats on the freedom!! I wish I could join you at the movies, but alas, I am tethered to this Laptop all week long. and then some.