Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hand to Chin*:

I'm just back from a great knitterly time spent with Suzanne and oh, about 15+ Visalia knitters.

Sadly, I got so caught up in the friendliness and the knittiness and the talkiness that I completely forgot any picture-takiness!


I think this group is too big for the venue, but it was so very convenient to stretch my legs in the knitting section of the bookstore, lol.

We're definately doing this again. Hopefully we'll see YOU there.

(*You'll have to ask Suzanne to show you her demonstration of how 90% of communication is non-verbal!)

Day 31 of 365:

Day 30 of 365:

Day 28 of 365:

I will be revisiting this idea.

Day 27 of 365:

Day 26 of 365:

I had to take a HEEE-UGE step back in the 'ol Recovery Process the other day.

The choices were 1) step full-force on The Queen of the Velvet TumTums* 2) slo-mo all Matrix-like while trying to avoid stepping on the GoodGawdDamn cat.

If you answered #2 . . . Oh Hell No. I stepped right on Blue.

That part didn't hurt my foot though. It was the dance steps right after, where I dosey-doe-d over her and did something Not Good (tm) to my brokenassed foot.


I was so worried that I had re-injured it. There was the hopping and the crutch using and the general elevatedness with icy coolness.

Luckily, it's all good and back on the road to recovery, so don't shed a crocodile tear on my behalf.

(*every one of pets has at LEAST 7 alternate names. Blue is "Blue" "Blueski" "BooBoo" "The Boo-ster" "Blue-cephus" . . . and now "Queen of the Velvet TumTums" thanks to her supersoft and sweet belly that hasn't grown back it's hair yet.)




We know.

Day 25 of 365:

My camera does Panoramic and this is a feature I'll be playing with more soon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 23 of 365:

I was so frigg'n lost when I crested Lewis Hill. I'd never heard the term "Lewis Hill" until I told The Mike I 'went over this tall hill going North and then I crested and looked over a 'scape that made no sense!"

"Oh. You went over Lewis Hill".

Fuck the What? Lewis Hill? Never heard of it! My town is the size of a postage stamp, but I realize every day there are things I have no clue about.

I'm learning though.

Day 22 of 365:

Day 21 of 365:

One of the ravelry Project365 members (StudioD) has been giving 'weekly themes' for us to (or not to) use. One of last week's themes was 'time'. My attempt at the theme SUCKS ON ICE. I submitted it as proof of my mere human status.

Visalia or Bust:

Who: Knitters in Tulare/Kings/Kern Counties

What: Knitting!

When: Thursday, January 31, 2008, roughly 5:30ish to Dunno O'Clock

Where: Borders Bookstore, Mooney near the corner of Caldwell

Why: 'Cause it's Knitters! Duh.

KnittingSuzanne, my new buddy in Bakersfield, is driving up to me in P'Ville and we're heading over there 'round 5pm tomorrow.

If you are within 60 miles of Visalia, and you knit? Getcherass over there!

I'm talking to YOU Jollyewe! I want to see this latest sweater that you almost slept in, lol.

Okay, I so feel like I'm channeling HollyB (of KnitWithSnot fame) right now - her and her unabashed whoring of her knitting group's meetups.

Now, as far as I know, this group doesn't wield Zombie Killing Shovels and Zombie Stomping Boots but I am pretty sure they wield Kick Ass Needles, Drool Worthy Yarn and lots of comraderie.

I'll let'cha know on Friday (or maybe Saturday . . . but definately not Sunday! Nothing stands between this household and the Holiest of Holy days. The Super Bowl. The everlov'n fantastical SUPER. BOWL. Can I get a HOO-RAH?)

Go Patriots!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Playing Hooky:

I had it all planned!

My Dr's appoint was set for 1pm today, so I ditched work around 10am with the intent of shooting up to Visalia with The Mike, grabbing a bite, visiting Rococo Beads on Main Street and then jetting over to Three Rivers for the yarn shop and getting back to town in time for Dr. Bones.

Some of that happened.

See, I've been working my ASS off getting all the quarter- and year-end tax reports done. W-2s for 200 tire store employees . . . check. W-2s for all the employees of the restaurant* . . . check. 1099's for same-said . . . check. 941s, 940s, DE7s, DE6s, blahblahblah . . . check. Sales Tax . . . check. Oh, and the monthly & yearly bookkeeping for the one client I do on the side . . . check. Check check checkity check.

I got it all done, babee! I could skip out with a clear conscious and skip out I did! Toodahloo, asses and see ya tomorrow :smirk:

The Mike picked me up and informed me we were having a bite with his friends before we hit the road. Mmmkay. Not my first choice but I'll live.

Then the Dr's office rang to say that Dr. Bones got called away on a hip fracture emergency so my appointment was cancelled. Mmmkay . . . well I ain't going back to the office!

My day of hooky suddenly became Wide Open. Nice!

After our brunch we moseyed on up to Visalia to visit Rococo Beads. I have some stitchmarkers there for sale, and she called the other day to say she hadn't sold any lately and that she was going to pull the display board so I needed to come pick it up. I got there and she was yakking it up with a customer. She introduced us and the customer is a knitter in Visalia, and part of the group that meets every Thursday evening at Borders. This lady even knew Dani (aka Laurenswool - the chick I introduced myself to at the Exeter Fiber Festival a few weeks back). We all chitchatted and dished some dirt on the Visalia yarn shop and boy was it nice to yak with another In Real Life knitter!! She even bought a set of my stitchmarkers right then and there. When I was leaving, the owner told me someone else had been in and bought two of my sets. She said the buyer was a friend of mine. Well, I immediately thought of Carolyn (aka Jollyewe) and I was right! I KNOW! She never once said a word that she'd done that!

Thank you CJ! :blush: You know I'm handing that check right back to you for some of your yarn!!

The next leg of the trip was to Three Rivers (via the fishing supply store Rack em Out to make The Mike happy), to visit Creekside Yarns. My ulterior motive was to see if the owner would display my stitchmarkers for sale. Unfortunately, the owner wasn't in, but the lady working there was very nice. She was talking to another customer about 'a class' so when the customer left I inquired as to what the class was for. Jewelry making she responded. She went on to explain that she teaches jewelry making at a store in Visalia. I start laughing a bit as I asked her 'which store'? Rococo Beads on Main Street she tells me. I love how small this area is!!

Two skeins of yarn later we were back on the road. My next goal was to get some nature scenes for my ravelry Project365. I got a few, and some I'm actually pleased with.

We finally got home about 4:30pm and I was all ready to get in some decadent lazyass knitting time when we got the call inviting us to a friend's birthday dinner at six.

Off we went. It was a fun time (it always is with this group of people) but that shot the rest of the day/evening. It's 9:15pm and I haven't knit one freak'n stitch today!

So, goodbye!

*my boss owns a local restaurant and all the accounting is done through the tire store

Monday, January 28, 2008

Period of Mourning:

Sorry folks.

With Hunter being gone, finding the mood to blog has been hard. I think it's because this place is *my* place. Outside of here, I go to work, read people's blogs, knit along on stuff, take pictures, whathaveyou, but talking on my blog is me being me and feeling my feelings and saying what I think and feel.

Right now I just don't want to be that deep because deep down I feel sad.

And I don't want to talk about it.

Tomorrow I visit Dr. Bones and get my prognosis.

We'll all see if I'm ready to get back to me being me by then.

I'm around, but give me a little bit to find the funny again.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 24 of 365:

Goodbye Handsome Hunter.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

Today was very pretty, despite being just a run-of-the-mill work day. Inside my office today, I am knee-deep in year-end payroll stuff. Employees call me every day asking when they can expect their W-2. If only I could tell them that the reason they aren't holding their tax form in their hot little hand right now is because their boss de-fucking-leted 18 employees with 2007 activity from the system. Generally, that wouldn't be a big whoop - just find their info and recreate it all so that the quarterly totals match again.

Unfortunately, my company does not have an "Open Door" policy but more a "Revolving Door" policy. During any given pay period, there are about 104 active employees. I have 200 - TWO HUNDRED W-2s to wade through for 2007 to figure out who's missing and what they should have in the system.

For my lunch today, I walked across work's property onto a dirt road and just started taking pictures of the sky. About 23 pictures overall. These are the ones that didn't make the Project365 cut.

For 'the bad', go look at my "Day 21" submission. It's pretty blech.

Then there is 'the ugly'.

Mike's younger brother M, and his wife, are splitting up. He told Mike tonight.

We've been hearing from people/family that there's been 'stuff' going on, but this is the first time that M has told Mike directly.


A cuter couple would be harder to find.

They've only been married about a year less than us.

No abuse, no drug use, no cheating, no *something big* for this to make sense.

Quitting. Just tits-up quitting.

With a 2 1/2 year old in the middle.

This is the first couple I have ever known pre-marriage that will be going through a divorce. Everyone else I know has either already been divorced or has been married since I've known them.

What an ugly turn of events.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 20 of 365:

Day 19 of 365:

Funniest. Blogpost. Ever. EVER!:

If you haven't seen the Yarn Harlot's most recent post,
please to be reading it now!

Those pictures, with her writing from the point of the view of the cat?

Thank gawd nature had called before I read that.

Whenever I need a little reassurance that I'm not the only crazy lady taking pictures and blogging about cats, I will revisit this post.

And can I just point out that I have *ahem* yet *ahem* to use my camera in the bathroom!

I just had to share this - off to look at a bunch of no-fish-catch'n stinky fishermen.

Stay tuned for either the world's smallest Bass to win a tournament, or a picture of an empty scale. Latest word from the lake is 'not good'.

Next Stop, Tehachapi:

Every time I think there can't POSSIBLY be anything *new* to come out in the knitting world anymore, I get knocked on my naive ass.

Cases in point:

Cat Bordhi reinvents 'sockitecture' in her latest book. A whole 'nutha way to look at sock knitting.

Annie Modesitt's Flipknits books. Those cartoon drawing books from our childhoods are now live action knitting instructions.

Let's not forget! 'Nuff said.

Just when I thought "that's it. There's nothing left. Knitting creativity will now start the whole 'everything old is new again' cycle and fun fur is just around the corner", I caught up on my daily Chum, via Lime & Violet.

I about fell over when I read this post, called "Flat Feet". Go check it out! I'll be right here waiting to see your reaction.


What the hell? How neato is THAT?

Sock yarn. Knit into a hugeass swatch. Then dyed. Then sold to be knitted directly from samesaid hugeass swatch.

That's the *yarn*, people!


After some digging around Conjoined Creations website, I see the only place to get this fabu item is via brick & mortars. Living in Podunkville, it's a given that travel will have to be undertaken to get to wherever this is.

So. My next road trip will be off to the big bad metropolis of Tehachapi!

While I'm gone, I leave your reeling mind with kblicious' blog post about it.

(And you just gotta know my town is the size of a postage stamp if Tehachapi is the next closest 'big' city, lol)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

How About An FO?:

First, I want to say to KnittingSuzanne . . .

You may be on to something with your thought about why I have that weird nightmare affliction thing. Two of my cats are just head-over-heels enamored with me, and it's not unusual for one to sleep on my pillow and the other to sleep on *me* while I sleep. A third one sleeps at my feet, but she's not real 'touchy-feely'.

I'll keep an eye out for that the next time I wake up from the experience.

Second, to Ellen and Carolyn, about my last Project365 pic (the flower at the grocery store) . . .

The Mike was standing right next to me as I took that picture and he thought I was the weirdest thing going. Later that night I showed him the picture on the computer and he couldn't believe I took *that*. HAHA! I'm done gloating now :smirk:

Onto my teeny tiny F.O. . . . I saw a real live Calorimetry last weekend when I met up with the Bakersfield bunch. RedPixiSticks (Christy) brought hers and it was very cute.

This is mine, and my only modification to the pattern was to do less short rows. It's more 'headband' sized and just what I wanted. the button is a toggle from the stash. I like the toggle best.

Hunter is not doing well (again). The last two days he's been having real difficulty getting himself up, and once up, moving around well. This picture shows his 'resting' stance. His front legs are in a normal position, but his back legs are very wide apart. Maybe you can see how his back right paw isn't flush to the ground? He will not get up unless Mike talks him into it, and even that takes alot of coaxing. He gets Hunter up first thing every morning, and then again when it's time to eat around dark. Sometimes, if Mike isn't out there fast enough, Hunter will just lay on the futon and whine. He *wants* up . . . he just won't do it.

Tomorrow, Mike's in a fishing tourney and will be up and out of here by 4:30am. I'm going to have to hobble out there and motivate that big galoot up and out into the yard. Poor guy.

Look forward to several 'Bass Club' pics tomorrow. Hopefully someone will catch something up at the lake - so far all the guys have had zippy luck during their prefishing.

Oh, and in case you haven't heard, Suzanne Pleschette is no longer with us. *Blam* gone.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Crazy Shit I Do - A Pictorial:

Take way too many pictures of this girl!
I know it elevates me in the 'Crazy Cat Lady' standings
but come on! She's hilarious to look at.

Pretend to care about The Mike's passions . . .

. . . like he pretends to care about mine.

It does make for other picture tak'n subjects,

besides cats.

The white speckle-y looking stuff on the worm?


You don't want to handle the worm too much

before it gets dunked in the drink

and turned into Bass bait.

The salt is there for a reason (so he says . . . )

That there is some particular 'kind' of worm in a particular 'color',

and it's (get this!) wearing a 'skirt'.

Don't ask . . . Alls I know is *bass dig it*

Fishing bait is a hoot, lemme tell ya:

Carolina jigs, Louisiana jigs, pig 'n jigs

spooners, spinners, drop shot'n

Smelly Jelly.


(see "pretending to care", "The Mike" and "passion")

Oh. Get this!

We went to the grocery store tonight,

and I took pictures!


(and a wee bit embarrassing, lol)

What's not so crazy is this stuff!

It's freak'n AWESOME in its deliciousness.

Mmmkay - this picture looked alot better before I downloaded it!

Another batshitcrazy thing I do?
Take pictures of pictures inside Bass fishing books . . .
just to play with my camera's settings.

Insist that The Mike shine the cat's laser light toy
on my yarn so I can play with my camera's settings.

NUTS I tell ya! I'm nuts.

Oh, and another crazy thing I do?

Take WAAAAY WAAAAY too many pictures of my cats.

Day 18 of 365:

Picture taken while in the checkout at the grocery store.

No, really!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 17 of 365:

Do Not Adjust Your Monitor

*Pink* was our photography theme today

Day 16 of 365:

Tell me that's not Jeff Foxworthy,
or at least his first cousin!

Day 15 of 365:

Does This Make Me Weird?:

Have y'all ever heard of this sleeping affliction where you're asleep, but you're not 'ASLEEP' and you can't move and you feel like you're being attacked?


Here's an article from the University of Waterloo, Canada and here's another article from . . .

What I experience is thinking I'm awake (but in reality I AM asleep but really having a nightmare of sorts) and trying to move to wake The Mike up too (while he's sleeping in real life next to me).

So, I'm thinking I'm awake the whole time, but I can't move and I try and yell but I can't make any discernable noise and I get myself all worked up (remember, I'm asleep and not really doing this in real life) and I eventually get enough of my motor and vocal skills back that I start flailing on The Mike and screaming bloody murder and he wakes up all freaked out . . . and sometimes he's like a horrid monster when he wakes up - like a sci-fi 'from another planet' monster-looking thing.

EXCEPT NONE OF THIS REALLY HAPPENS IN REAL LIFE!! I don't really hit him and I'm not really screaming.

I eventually wake up for real and I'm a wreck.

Last night I fell asleep around 11:30pm and this (it felt like) happened over and over again - I'd freak out in my sleep, wake up and go back to sleep. When I finally checked the clock after what seemed like hours? It was only midnight!

This affliction goes in spurts. I can go weeks and months and it doesn't happen, and sometimes it'll happen every few days or so. It used to happen at the old house at the Coast, but it's happened way more here.

I don't recall it ever happening when I lived alone at various times and I know it did not happen when I've had other live-in relationships.

Is The Mike slowly driving me insane and it's manifesting in my dreams?

Inquiring (and pretty damn tired) minds want to know!

How's come I can't dream about that adorable face??

On the knitting front, I did finish my Calorimetry last night, but what a surprise . . . I didn't have the pattern at my fingertips so I 'guessed' at the end and now I'm not overly happy with the look of the bind-off, and by 'finish' I mean I still need to actually attach a button and that may change my entire view on the thing, lol.

Back to the neverending blue entrelac of doooooooooooooom. Luckily, I don't need a pattern for that.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

All Kinds Of News:

I'm going to Stitches West, thanks to KnittingSuzanne over at ravelry.
I had totally written SW off because of always working tax season.
(January to April each and every year, thanks to the Government!)
Now that I don't work in the field of preparing 1040's
I can 'do things' . . . things like meeting knitters in Bakersfield in January,
and things like going to Stitches West in February!
I. Am. So. Stoked!
In saying 'yes' to Suzanne, I had to make some decisions.
My 'non-smoking' ban has been extended.
I've said (to y'all and to myself but most importantly, to myself)
that I will not smoke while I go through the healing process on my foot.
There have been days, lemmetellya, that tested my resolve.
Today was one of those days.
Even though it hasn't been lollipops and roses every day
I have decided to not smoke until I'm home from Stitches West.
We (The Mike & I) had our First Official Babysitting Session tonight.
I know . . . y'all are thinking "what the hell??"
"Did she just write that babysitting a kid was big news?"
Here's the deal:
This kid is over two years old,
lives down the dang street
and the daughter of Mike's younger brother M.
Not only is she the only "kidlet" in the family . . .
She's frick'n hilarious and adorable!


Tonight with Uncle Mike
She's such a Ham!

Thanksgiving 2007 with Uncle Mike
(picture not enhanced or changed)
One of my all-time favorite pictures
and now . . . for a completely different view
of the same 24 hours

Remember that ridge with the trees in the background?
Same pic, one day later, and about 1/2 the distance closer.

No after-picture change.

No change to the pic.
I snapped what you see.

Remember that pretty tree with the blue sky and clear background yesterday?
Today was Fog Central!

The P'ville Ham-minator checking in again!
Those lashes are all her.
Those eyebrows?
Thems from her dad.
Those pupils?

About an hour after taking this picture, I learned the term 'catchlights'

"Old" Highway 65

(between N.W. Grand and Westfield,

heading South 'round 11am today)

Same road, same direction,

between Westfield and Henderson


I thought I knew from fog, being a Pismo gal 'n all

Tule Fog?

It's some thick-ass crazy shit people.


Gloom and doom to look at . . .

but I just love the encompassing feeling of fog!

The original of today's Project 365 submission



I just never thought I ever would because of my profession.

Things change that *blam* fast.

Thank you Suzanne!