Sunday, June 22, 2008

Crash and Burn, Knit Style:

First off, y'all can step away from the ledge I was teetering over. I just went ahead and jumped headlong and guess what . . . ? Cracked my damn skull open upon landing.

This Kauni Cardi "inspired" sock has sucked the love right on out of me. For the last 8-10 rows, as I stitch, I see where I done did wrong and my mind mulls over how to do this thing right. Like right-right. Not "oops, I forgot to stitch Pink when I shoulda stitched Mint". That there just needs some tinking and everything gets back to right as rain. Ohhhh no. My eff-ups aren't that basic.

It all started when I finished the heel turn. Easy Peasy and Moving Right Along thankyouverymuch. I know from heel turns and starting gussets on both sides and doing, you know, Vanilla Socks. Vanilla is my middle knitting name (not technically, but it should damn well be!).

Here's where I thought The Mathz was going to trip me up, 'scept . . . I remembered my original number of cast-on stitches, and I remembered how many "squares" in this pattern I started with. I had a hazy recollection of how many picked-up stitches I had with the S1K1 heel. With all that Mathz running through my brain I got kinda worried. How could I divide all this patterned Mathz onto the right stitches and still account for the gusset part?

Oddly enough, I did The Mathz correctly and I'm knitting along with the right number of stitches. My problem lies in two other arenas that are NOT my forte . . .

1) Colorwork

2) New Mathz

New Mathz wouldn't even be on my about-to-hit-40 radar except it's clearly tantamount to Successful Knitting.

So, you might ask yourself, what do you do when stymied with New Mathz and a sock you *want* to love, but just . . . don't . . . ?

Whooo boy do I have two answers to that question!

1) You look at every finished object Suzanne has ever made, and then you peruse every favorited item Suzanne has earmarked and then you just convince yourself she wants to be your knitting friend(mm'kay, that's me talking).

2) You look at every finished object Carolyn has ever made , and then you peruse every favorited item CJ has earmarked and again . . . you pinch yourself that she's your knitting friend. (mm'kay still just me jawing . . . )

My two friends inspire me SO much.

This isn't to say that I don't have other knitting friends (which I do and THANK YOU!) All's I'm trying to pass on is Knitting Inspiration and, to me, Suzanne and Carolyn are truly inspiring.

Thank you Zanny and CJ.


Suzanne said...

Birds of a feather flock together. Hmmmm, maybe we are of a feather, you and CJ and I.

How is the sock? I can't wait to see how it is looking.

Holly Bee said...

I think everyone knits better than I do... Keep up the good work, you are awesome! It can be done! Look at the good...go drink wine.

Anonymous said...

DUDE!! Keep your knitting chin up.......from what I see, that sock rockdillyrocks. Your ideas for that sock are so impressive, I can't even say.

Plus, it's the best thing I've seen with that darn noro sock yarn for sure!!!