Sunday, March 30, 2008

Because I'm a Dumbass:

I forgot to mention a few other things!

1) April 1st is the annual Flash Your Stash event, if'n you didn't know. I'm in and I hope you participate too.

2) On Saturday I met smiledr from ravelry, and (kindasortabutnotreally) helped her learn some knitting. This town is soooooo wee-tiny that, just like I suspected, we know the same people. My husband helped rough-in the plumbing on her house, lol! It was very fun to hang out and talk 'fiber stuff' with her. I hope she wasn't annoyed by all my blathering. Finding a local knitter/fiber person just gets me twitterpated I guess.

3) There was something else but I forget now. If I remember I'll let'cha know.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

So what happens on Flash Your Stash Day?