Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Allow Me A Moment:

The more things I realize I lost on my computer, the sicker my stomach gets.

Videos of Hunter healthy and prancing, and Ella growing up for the last three years, pictures of John E's wedding (he's already divorced, but the pics of The Mike post-surgery and looking FABULOUS - those), letters to various attorneys for various things, my resume . . . Mike's resume . . . various non-popular blogs that I love that never made it into my bloglines rollcall, pics from driving home from our wedding week in Lake Tahoe and some trips to Monterey and several pics that I've taken of the same tree off Hwy 190 every time I've driven by it, to mark the changing seasons. Pictures of our home, empty and shiny and clean, before we moved into it and then those exact same shots with our new furniture and existing stuff. Pictures of The Mike crashed out in front of our roaring fireplace with cats sleeping all around him, and so many pictures of Mike's bass fishy trophies.

There was a close-up picture of Madden's paws that always brought the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" to mind.

It's all gone and there is noone to blame but me.

About two weeks ago, I noticed that my iTunes (which had roughly 500+ podcasts saved . . . unlistened) was showing about 100. Then a few days ago it went down to 29. I *KNEW* something wasn't right, but I didn't know what and I didn't know how to find out what.

Allow me a moment to wallow in my pity.



Okay. That's done. Ever forward.

I will be scheduling regular backups of my stuff from here on out.

Please learn from my mistake. Back your shit up.


Well, okay, at least tomorrow or when you get back from vacation!

What'cha wait'n for? Consider my experience an omen.

I'ma give up modern technology and immerse myself in historical sock knitting. Socks don't (as far as I've heard) self fucking distruct.

Okay. NOW I'm done.


Anonymous said...

Ok, how do I back shit up. Now I'm scared.

I'm going to go call my Dad right now.

Jen said...

Hey, April. You should take your old broken hard drive to a data mining dude. They'll search through stuff that seems impenetrable and find it.

Don't know what prices are like, but I know they work magic.

Hoping you can find your stuff - I can only imagine what kinds of weeping I'd do with all my stuff gone - 9 years of digital kid/cat/house/friend pictures are on our computer and our backup hard drive, so losing them would be a nightmare.

See you tomorrow!

Jen said...

I mean, your "restored" hard drive. Even if you format a hard drive, sometimes data miners can find your old stuff!