Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Turtle Talk Tuesday:

This week I'm doing something different - I've not written much in a while so intstead of throwing all the catch-up into one gigantic post I'm going to be doing decent sized ones. 'Scept I'm writing them up a few at a time and posting one each day . . . consider them time-release posts if you will.

Today's post is about one week ago from today, as a matter of fact.

I have a friend that is 'into' turtles like most of us here are 'into' fiber stuff. She's crazy for the turtles, lol. Like me before, she didn't know anyone else 'into' her thing and was a lonely turtle girl here in P'ville (not to be confused with this TurtleGirl. That one's got fiber friends out the wazoo.). My turtle girl's husband went on the intronets and found her a Bakersfield Turtle Group that meets once a month. She was hesitant to go it alone (some chicks are like that altough I don't REALLY get it but whatever . . . she's my friend and I'm carefree) so I tagged along for moral support and her *excuse* in case it wasn't what she was expecting.

OH MY GAWD. Boy oh boy has she found 'her people' lemme tell ya. They talk Boxer turtles and Desert Tortoises and blahblahblah. Seriously, they bring their turtles to these meetings for a sort of "Show and Tell" . . . kinda like us and our F.O.s at our fibery meetups!

Here's a few pictures I'd like to share with you guys:

Turtle girl's smallest one right now. I so wish I'da had a dime to put next to it, like people do with their handspun, lol! This thing was freak'n TINY. I've seen common garden snails bigger than this.

This is one of her second-size-up ones. If I remember I think she said it's 2 years old approximately.

Do not adjust your monitor. That creature is as big around as a regular-sized lawnmower! It weighs like 40 freak'n pounds. She has TWO MORE just like it! Trust you me, I was using the zoom feature when I took this shot. I'm not scared-scared . . . come on, if nothing else I could outrun the dude and that's with a healed broken foot and extra weight on my frame! It's just that it's so . . . foreign . . . and prehistoric . . . and doesn't have fur like any pet I'm used to.

I kid you not though - the three big ones come *running* up when they hear turtle girl's voice. Those are her babies just as sure as any other momma with her kids. Different, sure, but kinda interesting too.

This is one brought to the Turtle Meeting. The lady showing it off (the owner? What do you call those people?) would just not stop moving, so this is the best picture of the bunch.

The club's main focus is helping with Desert Tortoises - relocation, habitat issues, becoming endangered, the Government's lack of care when they want to take over desert areas for their own purposes and don't do what's best for the other inhabitants (snakes, rabbits, etc. too).

Overall it was a very informative meeting and I'd definately go with my friend again. Like I always say . . . I can pretty much knit anywhere and if I have my knitting I have much more patience than without it . . .

Oh, and I swear I got more questions and comments about my knitting from those people than I've gotten in many other places! Good ones - not the "why in the world would you knit a SOCK??" like I usually get.

I leave you with this final picture. There was a break between all the talky-talky stuff and my friend started conversing with a very lovely lady sitting behind us. The lady mentioned that she'd just gotten a tattoo and showed it to us. Me? I'm not a tattoo kind of gal myself, but I certainly can appreciate a nice one. This one is pretty dang cute if you ask me.

So. Me being me, I said to the nice woman, "you are more than welcome to say no and it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all, but . . . could I please take a picture of your tattoo? I'm always taking pictures and that would be a great subject." See how nice the Turtle People are? She whipped her foot into range and said "SURE!". There ya go.

***coming up in future posts***

I discuss all the things I don't have to do when Mike's out of town!
'Scilly has The Creeping Crud but it's treatable
Another thing I figured out about ravelry and seriously . . . it is my crack cocaine.
Sock F.O.s out the wazoo and how I can't unload primo luxury snot-yarn.


Check you cats later.

1 comment:

Holly Bee said...

All I got is

Dang that's big!

Then, that's what she said.