Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not Well Versed, but just Fairly Versed:

Oh My Good Gravy.

I like to have died from laughter while listening to Lime & Violet's latest podcast tonight. Violet and Karen again. Lime has just finished her school'n stuff and isn't in podcasting mode still.

Violet has been blogging about her personal medical issues over at The Chicken of Antioch (and what the hell is the story behind THAT blogger name? Just say'n).

Their latest podcast 'splained a whole hell of a lot of "behind the scenes" and also expounded on The Chicken's posts.

Here's the thing though: Podcast updatey-ness? High-damn-larious. Medical issues, As the Hospital Turns (HI Karen and your blue pants and Hotty Minatures Doctor-ness).

Y'all need to to listen to the very very bitter end.

That song?

Sofa King entertaining I'da liked to pee myself.

The Bard finally spoke to me. Through a knitting podcast. Go figure.

Funny as fuck, y'all. (and I know SisterDi reads me anyway :chagrin:)

Today has been a fan*TAS*tic knitterly day all the way around.

Tomorrow I'ma talk about yesterday's Yarn Maven's Saturday *thang* (and with pictures, swear). Again with the Sofa King fun time. You gals are a joy to be around and each of you bring something to the group that cannot be replicated. All y'all.

Thank you all so ever lov'n much. I needed today sof . . . alot.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

It was the best wasn't it?