Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 49 - Shake'n It

Day 49 - Shake'n It, originally uploaded by ajdury.

This picture represents a few things:

My first WALK.

WALK people! Not hobbling or limping or wimpering along.

I walked as excitedly as 'Scilly here!

Not so excitedly that I sniffed every hydrant or peed on every corner pole though. Unlike her, I care about what the neighbors whisper behind their hands.

Okay. You got me. I give a fuck what they say. I really care about them parking on their lawns and parking their semi's on our residential streets. That's just me.

Those two butts though? Crack my ass UP.

Is it just me or do you also hear the "Left. Left. Left , (wag to the) Right, Left" cadence in your head.

No? Okay fine then.

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