Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Ball. Has You Seenz It?

My Ball. Has You Seenz It?, originally uploaded by ajdury.

There has been some turmoil at KBC lately.

People have been told they need to get a J.O.B. or they need to get the eff out.

In a loving way, of course.

People have chosen to start looking for a J.O.B.

People have needed to stick up for their sanity and their place in society while choosing to honor their vows.

People are figuring it out and getting it together.

While people do that . . .

Life goes on.

Hunter is gone and we still think of him every single day.

We miss him even though we know he's not suffering anymore.

We still miss him anyway.

Priscilla (that ChowHound in the pic) misses him too. It's different for her now, and she's gotten more clingy to us and to her things . . . okay, her ball. She loves it more than ever.

All the inside kids are great except for Freckles. She's back at the vet (evening of day 2) without a diagnosis. Peeing - blood - medicine taken - no change. Fingers crossed we can figure it out.

Fingers crossed.

Saturday is the (BIG PIMP'N) 2nd Bakersfield ravelry group meet up!

Comment me if you want to know what I speak of.

I really need to blog more - this post must seem all over the damn place!!

Note to self: BLOG MORE!

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