Thursday, April 3, 2008

Got a Feather?:

Remember when I blogged this picture the other day? It's a submission for the ravelry Project365 group I'm in . . . ?

Personally, I like it alot, but I certainly don't think it's exceptionally "WOW",
if you know what I mean.

As of today, that picture has been viewed 113 times
and 'favorited' a whopping 15 times.


A few of my pictures have been favorited in the past, and I can see why the choice was made in those instances . . . yarn they liked, or it was a good shot for the particular theme.

This one though, just blows me away.

Here's a sampling of the people who 'favorited' that top picture,
and a taste of their own picture-tak'n skills.




Lastly, this guy KrisKros but all his photos are unlinkable.


You could knock me over with that feather now

'cuz I just don't believe it.

My little 'ole Kodak v570 'point & click' and no altering picture program (outside of Kodak's 'enhance' feature in its software) is getting such interest.


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Personally I think it's your eye as an photoartist that is making your pictures so great.

Your picture is just as awesome all all the others. It's hard to be objective on your own work.

It really is an incredible picture.