Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8 Hours, All Mine:

Today, I will be *away from home* finally.

My plan was to be *away from home* Monday, but that didn't work out. See, I'd found out there is another knitting group that meets Monday mornings near Avila Beach. I'd even scoped the place out on our way to Farmer's Market last Friday (and told Mike about it, which is an important fact later).

Sunday night, Mike tells his brother to "stop by the house any time on Monday, April will be home" and Mike tells me some repair dude would also be stopping by on Monday "any time" to put a cover on our stove vent thingamajigger. His brother stopped by but the repair dude was a no-show.


I didn't make it to the Monday meetup. Grrrr.

Yesterday (Tuesday) my day consisted of going to BedBath&Beyond (hello 20% coupon in the mail!), Borders (hello Borders Rewards!), Trader Joe's (hello Trader Joe's. You ROCK!) and the regular 'ol grocery story (although it blows the P'ville *nice* grocery store out of the water with it's cleanliness and selection!)

We invited Mike's good friend Scott over for dinner as a Thank You for all his help during the move. Pot Roast and vegetables with gravy, YUM. The homemade gravy thing - I'm not so good at, but at least it was edible, lol. Fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies afterwards. Honestly, we really owe Scott like a week's worth of homecooked meals for all his help.

That brings us to today. I'm up extra early (well, I've been up for an hour and 7:20 certainly is on the early side for me), have perused all my daily internet haunts, and am off to shower. Today I'm hitting the road with my knitting, my camera and my clapotis and I won't be home until I feel like coming home . . .

. . . which is no later than 5pm so I can be here when The Mike gets home, LOL.

Pictures forthcoming.

Y'all have a good day!

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