Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Kinda Sad News:

Yesterday I had heard a rumor, and today it was confirmed.

The husband of the lady that owns our town's only LYS died over the weekend. Very unexpected. I learned tonight that he was only 41. He had a massive heart attack and there was no chance to save him.

I've bitched about the store before - it's not REALLY an LYS in the true sense, but it's the best thing this hick town has. It's got a killer Cascade 220 selection, and if you like Berroco she's got it in spades. There are no classes, and no 'sit & knit' vibe in the least. It's just a store that sells yarn along with tons of unrelated knitterly things.

This town is so small though, you get to know people, even in the 'chit-chatty' way and that's how I know this lady. Her mom operates the store 90% of the time, and I know her mom from something else. Regardless of whether it was her mom or herself when I'd visit, they both just have always been nice people. They ask about work, and what I'm working on, and the local town issues. Pam, the owner is very involved in community/Main St. issues and I'm very involved in community/City Council issues.

She knows people I know and vice-versa. It's a small town and surprisingly, that's one of the few aspects I really like about living here. People like Pam, and her mom, and the other 'locals' I run into every day give this town its personality.

What a shame this has happened to her. She introduced me to her husband one day when we were both in the shop. She'd shared the details of her son's recent wedding as it was happening. Every time we visited at the shop, she'd talk of her family like I was a longtime friend and we were catching up.

I feel so sad for her and what I can't imagine she's going through right now.

Life changes THAT fucking fast.

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