Monday, January 28, 2008

Period of Mourning:

Sorry folks.

With Hunter being gone, finding the mood to blog has been hard. I think it's because this place is *my* place. Outside of here, I go to work, read people's blogs, knit along on stuff, take pictures, whathaveyou, but talking on my blog is me being me and feeling my feelings and saying what I think and feel.

Right now I just don't want to be that deep because deep down I feel sad.

And I don't want to talk about it.

Tomorrow I visit Dr. Bones and get my prognosis.

We'll all see if I'm ready to get back to me being me by then.

I'm around, but give me a little bit to find the funny again.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of ya....take care

KnitterBug4 said...

I'm am so sorry for your loss.

The loss of a pet is so hard. I lost a beloved dog and I thought I would never stop crying. Of course the crying stopped. What I was left with were sweet memories.